【非洲叢林捕殺】【Bush Kills】
文章來源: 天玉之2023-07-15 23:01:54


                    【Bush Kills】                  



                     By Tian Yu Zhi



The afternoon sun shines on the full mane of 

A male lion, watching a lioness and a baby lion

Share a fresh meal of a zebra carcass,

killing for food in the bush, as old as the land  


A baby white rhino, pauses on the road 

Stares at the Jeep, “What is that,  friends or foe? “

“Move on…,” a  gentle horn nudge from mother rhino 

“…Some of them would kill us for our nails…”


Some humans kill rhinos for horns, to almost extinction

In hope of living longer, not knowing

The poison injected to rhinos' horns

Would send them to heaven, sooner


A fair game, after all