日本和牛排 (Japanese A5 Wagyu Ribeye Steak)
文章來源: 天玉之2022-02-18 21:16:38

This is Japanese A5 Wagyu Ribeye Steak, bought it from Costco, $400 for four pieces, very expensive, but truly juicy delicious, Yummy! I was told it would cost $250 per piece in Tokyo. 


Eating A5 is for the life experience, a luxury thing, such as listening to an opera in Milan's Teatro Alla Scala, or climbing Kilimanjara. If you don't care about the quality of your experience, New York Strip has the best value for your buck. Just like everything else in life, plenty of substitutes : )


I heard that A5 cow farmers play classical music to them, give them messages, have them drink beer...in order to stimulate their appetite and grow fat. Wow, even cows like all the good stuff in life, haha.





In 2002, a single Wagyu cow sold in Japan for around four hundred thousand dollars. It was a record high and is a figure that remains unbeaten. 



Olive Wagyu in Japan - The rarest Steak in the World - YouTube





難得一笑: Japanese A5 Wagyu Ribeye Steak - 由天玉之發表 - 文學城 (wenxuecity.com)