【花開的心事】 【Inner Thoughts about Flower Blooming】
文章來源: 天玉之2022-01-02 12:44:39












因為 他們從未親眼見過

極端環境裏長出的花 它的綻放






微風又如何使岩石漂移 並朝一個方向走去






默念你說過的每一個字 我看見

你騎著白馬到來 俯身將我攬起 

那一刻 沙漠五點花綻開在我的發髻



紛亂的人間 千萬個廟堂在城鎮鄉野佇立
















             【Inner Thoughts about Flower Blooming】



                                     By Tian Yu Zhi



You poured your heart out 

What was on your mind 
But not a single soul in the whole world believed you

Because they have never seen with their own eyes 

A flower growing in an extreme environment and its bloom


You described to them what was in your dreams

Let them see how the flower petals grow from a seed

In the desert wind of the Death Valley, and

How the breeze makes rocks drift and walk towards one direction 

Only to find, they became more skeptical of you



The magic to make this flower bloom: 

You only need one person to believe in you

I stand in the desert of no man’s land, 

Looking at your direction from afar

I recite by heart every word you have said, I see you

Arrive on a white horse, lean over, and pull me up onto the saddle

At that instant, the five-point desert flower blooms in my hair 



In this chaotic world, thousands of temples have built to stand 

In the cities and countryside

Hundreds of millions of believers pray for miracles each day

Nevertheless, has anyone ever seen God and Angels with their own eyes?

This is quite similar to the relationships that you and I have 

With that flower

