【一頓好餐】【A Good Meal】
文章來源: 天玉之2022-01-11 09:33:43


                   【A Good Meal】


                     By Tian Yu Zhi 



A good meal starts with a few appetizers,

Nibble on something soft and tender  

Melt in your tongue, while twirling 

In the rhythm of sappy jazz songs


Something smells like ocean

Fits perfectly with the occasion 

To excite the tastebuds, 
A plate of raw oysters, slowly sucked


Meat is the main entree

Smooth it with a few drops of extra virgin 

Add a pinch of heat, if you like it hot

Tenderize it thoroughly, until juices come out 

Unlid the idled Weber Genesis II, fire it up 


The dessert is home made

A blueberry, a strawberry, and a banana

Mix with two spoonfuls of vanilla cream 

Whipped hard 















巴黎與威尼斯,我最喜歡的兩個城市,它們最能使人有浪漫的感覺了,記得在威尼斯拱形橋邊的餐館吃晚餐,星光和與燈火倒影在水中,像梵高的油畫。。。有時,這些都不重要。或許在一條不知名的小街,合吃一碗餛燉,一碗麵,相視而笑,也很浪漫;或許兩人在各自的腦海裏,做著同一個夢,即使不在彼此的視野裏,那又如何,如果他們都有天賦的想象力和一顆繾綣浪漫的心 ~~







                              "My Romance" by Ella Fitzgerald 


My romance doesn't have to have a moon in the sky
My romance doesn't need a blue lagoon standing by
No month of May, no twinkling stars
No hideaway, no soft guitars

My romance doesn't need a castle rising in Spain
Nor a dance to a constantly surprising refrain
Wide awake I can make my most fantastic dreams come true
My romance doesn't need a thing but you

My romance doesn't need a castle rising in Spain
Nor a dance to a constantly surprising refrain
Wide awake I can make my most fantastic dreams come true
My romance doesn't need a thing but you