【塞勒姆的橡樹】【The Oaks at Salem】
文章來源: 天玉之2021-10-09 00:33:14


               【The Oaks at Salem】



                      By Tian Yu Zhi 



We've gotten used to masks, zoom meetings

Canceled plans, trips, graduation parties

Home cooked meals, and TV's daily bad news


But today, I took out that floral qipao dress

A pair of glittering high heeled shoes

Flew to Salem, North Carolina, the Oaks 


The roses in the north are about to wither

The blossom season of southern roses just begins

Roses will bloom, in time, even in a world full of viruses 


The sky bestows ocean wave blue, the clouds hover sheep suet white 

The lovers'walk in the sunset towards the altar

Could have happened ten years back


The vows, the kisses, the dance

The sparkles in the eyes, the teardrops on the face

Sweet love, I was in your arms 



              2021.10.01   Cary, NC