【To Lyrical Gossipers】英文詩
文章來源: 天玉之2021-09-07 06:29:53


              【To Lyrical Gossipers】



                   By Tian Yu Zhi               




You have been naughty and busy lately 

Stick your nose into other people's pants

Sniffing around 



You rack your brains, arranging 

level and oblique tones for harmony

Searching for antithetical couplets, and staled allusions 



Paint other people's emotions with fake colors of

Showy, borrowed words, drawn only out of 

Scant imagination and shallow observation 



No matter how hard you have tried, nevertheless 

They are still a low lifer's alley gossips in lyrical forms

With no heart, soul, or compassion



Maybe start from today, look very hard around yourself

See if you could find anything beautiful

In your own pathetic, unhappy life, and write about it, e.g.



That plate of pork tongues you love to chew on weekends





