【夏天的風扇】 【Summer Fan】
文章來源: 天玉之2021-08-30 07:59:33





                 【Summer Fan】



                   By Tian Yu Zhi



Guest bedroom, past midnight

A summer fan on the ceiling 

Spins -  spins -  spins

Much like years of self talk, poetic rhythms


Feel the cool wind it generates?

Enjoy the fluid dance of its life time?

A long time ago, its switch was turned on

It hasn’t stopped swirling ever since 


Does it go anywhere?  

No one has asked if the summer fan is tired

If it would like to join the summer breeze 

In a golden wheat field or a sunny beach



Maybe summer fan is only desired 

In sleepless hot summer nights

When autumn comes,

It is time to turn off the switch


















* 天熱,風扇下吹多了,有感戲題 ~~