【To Peekers】英文詩
文章來源: 天玉之2021-08-21 05:19:21




                 【To Peekers】




                 By Tian Yu Zhi




Please lay your hands on your heart

Feel the conscience, and ask yourself 

Why you keep coming back here

When you should have



Played a few rounds of chess on a street corner 

Like those old men do, until being checkmated by life;

Or gossiped tittle-tattles while spitting sunflower seed shells 

Like those old women do, after their last sparks stamped out 



If you don’t have an answer,

Please put "a peeker loser" sticker on your forehead,

Each time you come here —— you know

You are not welcomed, not YOU



A criminal often goes back to the crime scene 

To check out on the victim, a sign of neurosis pervertion.

You know in your heart: you are part of the reason why she is here 

Knowing "level and oblique tones" does not make you any better 



Get a life. Stay out.



