英文詩【Floating Clouds & May Storms】
文章來源: 天玉之2021-05-22 20:39:49


         【Floating Clouds & May Storms】


                       by Tian Yu Zhi


A floating cloud (as you called it) drifted back. Again.

It has been lurking somewhere, 

The same one that you blew away, several times,

Euphemistically but firmly, with your magic wand


Suddenly,I realize,the reason for

The lightness of a cloud ——

It has no face, or form, nor a heart, heavy enough

To anchor self pity or love


A cloud carries little weight,

Moves in and out in the sky full of sunshine,

Not knowing which sphere it belongs to, 

Nor where it goes from here


Nevertheless, it was the cause and the epicenter of

Recent May storms, just as desperate and 

Detrimental as last May's, only that 

This time,


We experienced it together, tacitly from afar

Hand in hand, with smiles and inner peace

"Sweetheart, how many storms

have we weathered together by now?"


"May showers bring June flowers..."

I wonder if they knew that




        2021.5.22 Happy Sunday ~~