文章來源: 江郎山閑話2020-11-08 11:10:54

2020美國大選的開票,沒有所謂的“藍色浪潮”,但是愛美國的公民們,極度擔心民主黨控製的州或城市的各種開票暗潮:開票過程有很多疑點!主流媒體對拜登的各種嗬護,一看就是不正常的。正常情況,主流媒體應該監督倆黨(不光光是執政黨)。大家如果想排除疑點,支持川普的訴訟,請給最高法院寫郵件! 當初peter liang 取得勝利不是因為遊行(媒體很少報道), 不是因為白宮請願(沒人理),是因為給法官寄了好多簽名信. 法官在最後決定申明中提到他收到thousands of letter from the community. 所以寫郵件有用, 也請多轉發link。  兩分鍾的事,舉手之勞,但對美國的民主至關重要: 透明公正的選舉,才能讓燈塔之國贏得世界的尊重。



Subject: 2020 election needs a full investigation in swing states
Comment: I am a registered voter, and I voted for ....... After the election night, a lot of election frauds/issues in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Georgia,  have emerged in the past several days. Unfortunately, these frauds/issues are swept under the rug by local/state governments and various media. I support the motion to have a full investigation in these swing states to make sure the election results are fair and transparent to the entire world. Please take action.

Thank you.