文章來源: 江郎山閑話2020-10-18 08:06:41

Trump 2020: A Man vs. A Movement (川普2020:一個人對陣一個運動

“Democratic Party, which has been taken by its radical wing, is leading a revolution”民主黨已經被激進派挾持,正在領導一場革命。

“like the election of 1860, this election is a contest between two competing regimes, or ways of life. Two ways of life that cannot exist peacefully together.”

“Trump versus Biden is the choice between a man who believes America is good and a man who is controlled by a movement which believes America is bad.”

"時代的一粒灰,落在個人頭上,就是一座山。" 跳出各種細節看清實質,請投出理性負責的一票! 這次的民主黨革命運動,當然對華裔美國人社區,華裔美國人家庭影響巨大,希望這次共和黨和川普獲得絕大多數公民的支持,讓美國的民主自由生活方式繼續下去。

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/10/13/claremont_institute_chairman_thomas_klingenstein_trump_2020_a_man_vs_a_movement.html  帶英文講稿。