文章來源: 真道的魅力2023-09-16 09:10:50

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before you with a heavy heart, recognizing the burden of self-rejection that I carry within me. Lord, you know me intimately, and you know the depths of this struggle. I ask for your divine intervention and healing touch in my life.

First, Lord, I want to acknowledge that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. Help me to fully understand and embrace the truth that I am your beloved child, worthy of your love and acceptance just as I am.

I confess any negative self-talk, self-doubt, and self-criticism that has taken root in my heart. I renounce these destructive thoughts and emotions, and I ask for your forgiveness for entertaining them.

Please, Lord, reveal to me the root causes of this self-rejection. Show me if there are past wounds, experiences, or beliefs that have led me down this path. I pray for healing and restoration in those areas of my life.

Fill me with your unconditional love and acceptance, Lord. Help me to see myself through your eyes, as a person of infinite worth and potential. Let your truth replace the lies of self-rejection.

I invite your Holy Spirit to work within me, bringing about transformation and renewal. Help me to develop a healthy self-esteem based on your love and acceptance.

Lord, grant me the strength to resist the urge to seek validation and approval from others in unhealthy ways. Instead, help me find my identity and security in you alone.

I pray for the courage to let go of the past, release self-rejection, and walk in the freedom of your grace. Fill me with your peace, joy, and confidence.

Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayer. I trust in your love and your ability to heal and restore. In Jesus' name, I pray.









