文章來源: 真道的魅力2023-08-16 21:02:16

"Witnesses, Not Salespeople"

Introduction: Good morning/afternoon, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we delve into a profound statement made by Jesus Himself: "You shall be my witnesses." This simple yet powerful command carries a deep meaning that sets the tone for our role as followers of Christ. We are not called to be mere salespeople, but witnesses of the transformative power of the Gospel. Let's explore how we can fulfill this calling and embody the true essence of being witnesses for Jesus.

I. Understanding Our Identity as Witnesses: In Acts 1:8, Jesus entrusted us with a vital task: to be His witnesses in our local communities and beyond. But what does it mean to be a witness? Unlike salespeople who might push products for personal gain, witnesses testify to what they have personally experienced and seen. As witnesses of Christ, we share the story of how His love, grace, and salvation have transformed our lives. Our role is to point to Jesus, not to promote a transaction.

II. Sharing the Gospel with Authenticity: The distinction between witnesses and salespeople becomes even clearer when we consider authenticity. People are not looking for a slick sales pitch; they are searching for genuine encounters with the truth. When we share our faith authentically, from the heart, we provide a window into the life-changing relationship we have with Jesus. Our words and actions should resonate with honesty, compassion, and humility.

III. The Power of Personal Testimony: Our personal testimonies are potent tools for witnessing. They demonstrate the real, tangible impact of Christ in our lives. A well-told testimony touches hearts and opens doors for meaningful conversations. We must be ready to share how Jesus transformed our brokenness into wholeness, our despair into hope, and our darkness into light.

IV. Living Lives of Love and Service: Being witnesses involves more than just words. Our actions, attitudes, and deeds also speak volumes about our faith. Jesus didn't just preach; He healed, served, and loved. As witnesses, we're called to demonstrate the love of Christ by serving others, showing compassion, and living out the Gospel in our everyday lives.

V. Embracing the Joy of Witnessing: Contrary to the pressure of selling, witnessing brings joy. Sharing the good news is an act of love, compassion, and obedience. When we witness with a heart full of love for Christ and for those we speak to, our efforts become a joyful privilege rather than a burdensome duty.

Conclusion: As we heed Jesus' call to be His witnesses, let us remember that we're not salespeople pushing a product; we are bearers of a life-transforming message. By sharing our personal experiences, embodying authenticity, and living out the Gospel through love and service, we fulfill our role as true witnesses of Jesus. May we find joy in pointing others to the One who offers hope, redemption, and eternal life. Amen.


引言: 親愛的弟兄姐妹,早上好。今天,我們要來探討耶穌親自說出的深奧話語:“你們要成為我的見證人。”這簡單而又強大的命令蘊含著深刻的含義,為我們作為基督的跟隨者的角色定下了基調。我們被召不僅僅是成為推銷員,更要成為福音變革力量的見證人。讓我們一起探索如何實現這個呼召,體現真正的作為耶穌見證人的本質。

一、理解我們作為見證人的身份: 在使徒行傳1:8中,耶穌托付給我們一個重要的任務:在我們的社區和更遠的地方成為祂的見證人。但是作為見證人是什麽意思呢?不同於為了個人利益而推銷產品的銷售人員,見證人是在為他們親自經曆和所見所聞作證。作為基督的見證人,我們分享的是祂的愛、恩典和救贖如何改變了我們的生活。我們的角色是指向耶穌,而不是促成一次交易。

二、真誠地分享福音: 當我們考慮到真誠性時,見證人與銷售人員之間的區別更加清晰。人們並不是在尋找花言巧語的銷售推銷;他們在尋找與真理的真實相遇。當我們真誠地、從內心深處分享信仰時,我們為他們提供了一個窺視我們與耶穌的改變生命關係的窗口。我們的言行應該充滿誠實、憐憫和謙卑。

三、個人見證的力量: 我們的個人見證是見證的強大工具。它們展示了基督在我們生活中的真實、有形的影響。一個好好述說的見證會觸動人心,為有意義的交談打開大門。我們必須準備好分享耶穌如何將我們的破碎變為完整,將絕望變為希望,將黑暗變為光明。

四、過愛與服事的生活: 成為見證人不僅僅涉及言語。我們的行動、態度和行為也同樣能夠表達出我們的信仰。耶穌不僅僅是傳道;祂醫治、服事、關愛。作為見證人,我們被呼召通過服務他人、展現憐憫和在日常生活中活出福音,來顯示基督的愛。

五、擁抱見證的喜樂: 與推銷的壓力相反,見證帶來了喜樂。分享這個好消息是愛、憐憫和順服的表現。當我們懷著對基督和那些我們交談對象的深愛之心見證時,我們的努力成為了一種愉悅的特權,而不是沉重的責任。

結論: 當我們聽從耶穌成為祂的見證人的呼召時,讓我們記住,我們不僅僅是推銷一個產品的銷售員;我們是帶有改變生命信息的傳遞者。透過真實的分享、體現出愛與服務的行動,我們履行了真正作為耶穌見證人的角色。願我們在指引他人走向那位帶來希望、救贖和永生的主的過程中找到喜樂。阿門。