祝【愛在深秋】完美收官 給免疫力交作業: 英文經典讚美詩 In the Sweet By and By
文章來源: 藕花深處952022-11-29 15:27:48

上次免疫力的帖子提到李叔同改編的一首民歌, 聽上去有點耳熟, 根據免疫力的提示找到這首源頭, 是1868年美國S. Fillmore Bennett 作詞, Joseph P. Webster 作曲的一首經典讚美詩,In the Sweet By and By,中文翻譯作“同聚美地”,基本上講述的是視人生如客旅,心中有更美家鄉的基督信仰。 

找到全民伴奏很開心,每天加班之餘就聽這首做背景音樂, 一個大作業基本竣工,愚公移山終於完成, 也算慶祝一下!祝賀唱壇“愛的深秋”活動首首歌溫暖人心, 又一次沉甸甸的收獲!準備喝著枸杞茶慢慢欣賞歌友們的作品!

聲音不理想, 有幾處掉鏈子, 歌友輕拍!歡欣的感覺基本唱出來了!

一下來自網絡,介紹" Sweet Bye and Bye"的來源:  

“Sweet by-and-by” is a phrase that also means at an unspecified time in the future. The phrase was popularized by the Christian hymn "The Sweet By-and-By" (1868) with lyrics by S. Fillmore Bennett and music by Joseph P. Webster. The opening verse of that song is “In the sweet by-and-by / We shall meet on that beautiful shore.”

There's a land that is fairer than day

And by faith we can see it afar

For the Father waits over the way

To prepare us a dwelling place there

In the sweet by and by

We shall meet on that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and by

We shall meet on that beautiful shore

We shall sing on that beautiful shore

The melodious songs of the blessed

And our spirit shall sorrow no more

Not a sign for the blessing of rest

In the sweet by and by

We shall meet on that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and by

We shall meet on that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and by

We shall meet on that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and by

We shall meet on that beautiful shore


中文版本之一: 同聚美地


雖遙遠 我因信望得見



(副歌)到那日 樂無比


到那日 樂無比


到美地 同唱詩同讚頌

眾聖徒 心喜樂何久長

得安息 享永生常交通

無懼怕 無憂愁無悲傷


我聖父 在高天何慈愛

將至尊 獨生子降於世

開福源 一直流到萬代


