文章來源: burpeejump2023-01-30 21:26:41

新的一年裏,我還是每周兩次重訓(8個動作,每個superset, 兩個動作,一組15個,一共3組,多半動作用啞鈴,也有自重,比如俯臥撐,仰臥起身),周末,假日的時候會出去爬山。新年裏決定每天都跑步。看到Dr. Greger推薦每天都運動(daily dozen),而且時間要達到40分鍾的高強度運動,或者90分鍾的中等強度。這對我來說,時間精力上都還達不到。可能群裏很多達人是可以的。我weekdays都是晚上跑步,晚上時間自由一些。有一天,我堅持跑了40分鍾,勻速,大約5m-5.5m/hour, 跑完就感覺特別餓,那天晚餐吃得很正常。相反,如果是晚上重訓,HIIT,或者變速跑,就沒有這個問題。剛才在chatgpt上查這事,答複挺靠譜。所以我又回到了變速跑,weekday 每天就跑1-1.5m。 又多了一些原因做HIIT。
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been shown to reduce hunger in some individuals. This may be due to the following factors:

--HIIT elevates the metabolic rate, which can help decrease appetite.
--The exercise-induced release of endorphins, which can act as natural appetite suppressants.
--HIIT can also reduce levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and increase levels of --the hormone peptide YY, which can decrease hunger.
--Regular physical activity can also improve overall body composition, leading to decreased hunger (這一點不太靠譜).
It's important to note that everyone's response to HIIT and its impact on hunger will vary, and hunger reduction may not be observed in all individuals.