5個小訣竅:讓英語聽起來更禮貌 舒服
文章來源: xiaoruo2021-01-24 12:12:15

  1. you may want to… 

These are things you may want to consider before making the final decision.


  1. You don’t want to do that = You shouldn’t do it,

You don't want to give up a position at a great company.


  1. Do you want me to ...代替 let me do … ,  I’ll do … should I…, 要不要我做… ?

Do you want me to add that information in the document?


  1. When you have a minute/second/ moment, can you …

When you get a chance, can you…; 

When you have a minute can you email me those documents?


  1. 詢問事情進展的時候Did you get a chance to do……? - 你做…了嗎?

Did you get a chance to talk to the manager about the issue? 關於那個問題,你得空跟你經理說了嗎?