Stop the coming war (5)----Why quit drinking
文章來源: 北美湯哥2021-01-04 18:27:59

“Nice to meet you Mr. President." 輪到我來介紹自己。

"Nice to meet you too. You are in trading business right?"

"Yes, Mr. President."

"Did you get hurt by the increasing tariff?"

"Yes, it killed us..."

川總咧嘴一笑," So what's the open6book for?"

"Well..This is a new project we are working on it."  我知道他在迅速的閱覽我的文檔,連最近的這一點點信息都沒有放過,“We are building a network like facebook but based on not just spouses but also sexual relationship, because sexual relationship is the fundamental relationship to build human society, it is deepest connection between 2 individuals, we want to let the the people from all over the world realize how do we connect each other so deeply and we are all in one family, in order to avoid  crimes and diseases and even wars."


“Very interesting.."川總邊笑著邊轉向習總,


“是的習總, 公開的。“


“其實也不一定,很多關係的裂痕在於猜忌,猜忌的根源在於不透明,如果公開透明了反而可以增加互信” 我相信兩位元首都聽出我話的意思,豈止夫妻之間,這兩個大國之間的關係不也是如此。


"Well not really but sort of ..yourself?"








我決心從2020年1月1日, 也就是現在,開始戒酒。