捐贈廢車 安心過戶
文章來源: 達坦2024-02-06 09:12:09

網上找到一家舊車高價回收,對方一聽27年老車,裏程數50萬km,提出收購600刀。俺立即拍板,填了Vehicle Transfer Form交車收下現金。但過了一周對方仍沒過戶車子,說車子回收報廢,不需要過戶。

俺致電ICBC汽車保險公司,官方荅複:報廢車子也得過戶 ,要不然Vehicle Registration會一直掛在俺名下。心裏感覺毛毛的,幹脆退錢取回老車。

於是又上網搜索,瞅見Kidney Car捐車計劃,廢車捐贈收據一律700刀,可用於抵稅。而且保證過戶,一舉兩得又做點善事,立即捐了!哈皮!


For most vehicles, the receipt value is determined by an evaluation after it is towed and received. If upon inspection a vehicle qualifies for resale and successfully sells, a Fair Market Value tax receipt will be appraised by experienced sales agents. If a car cannot be resold in its current condition, it will be recycled by a professional automotive recycler and the tax receipt will be $700.