【HobbyShow】Singing《Moon River》獨唱/合唱 - 我/才歌
文章來源: Ha654942020-09-04 18:02:57

Singing has become my hobby in the last two years.  Since I joined the singing forum, I got a lot of encouragement from my fellow singers and that motivates me to continue to sing.  Recently, I found that singing duets with my fellow singers is a pleasant experience.  This is because I can just sing half of the song to preserve my energy, and another singer joins in to add the other half with his unique elements, which makes a solo sound more interesting and flavorful.

“Moon River" is a song composed by Henry Mancini with lyrics by Johnny Mercer. It was originally performed by Audrey Hepburn in the 1961 movie Breakfast at Tiffany's, winning an Academy Award for Best Original Song. The song also won the 1962 Grammy Awards for Record of the Year and Song of the Year.


《月亮河》是一首由Henry Mancini作曲,Johnny Mercer作詞的歌曲。這首歌曾由奧黛麗·赫本在1961年的電影《蒂凡尼的早餐》中演唱,並獲得了奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲獎。這首歌還獲得了1962年格萊美年度唱片獎和年度歌曲獎。


《Moon River》和才歌合唱,感謝才歌的好歌聲!






• 經典,好聽!合唱別有風味 -移花接木♂ 給 移花接木 發送悄悄話 移花接木 的博客首頁 移花接木 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 02/19/2021 postreply 21:34:05 

• 謝謝花帥! -Ha65494♀ 給 Ha65494 發送悄悄話 Ha65494 的博客首頁 Ha65494 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 02/20/2021 postreply 12:55:43 

• 都是上次頒獎典禮的延續嗎?今天第二次聽歌詞版本!你們倆聲音很搭哦!很好聽!才歌的聲音 -beautifulwind♀ 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 beautifulwind 的個人群組 (329 bytes) (10 reads) 02/19/2021 postreply 23:01:03 

• 謝謝妖妖!你說得真好!才哥唱得很棒! -Ha65494♀ 給 Ha65494 發送悄悄話 Ha65494 的博客首頁 Ha65494 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 02/20/2021 postreply 12:57:26 

• 真好聽啊,兩個聲音珠聯璧合!mm上次的La Vie en Rose給人印象很深,記憶猶新。 -俏君♀ 給 俏君 發送悄悄話 俏君 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 02/20/2021 postreply 00:05:12 

• 謝謝俏君!你是唱E歌的高手! -Ha65494♀ 給 Ha65494 發送悄悄話 Ha65494 的博客首頁 Ha65494 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 02/20/2021 postreply 12:58:51 

• 金童玉女,珠聯璧合,好聽,棒棒噠! -忒忒綠♂ 給 忒忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒忒綠 的博客首頁 忒忒綠 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (6 reads) 02/20/2021 postreply 05:58:00 

• 謝謝忒忒綠美言鼓勵! -Ha65494♀ 給 Ha65494 發送悄悄話 Ha65494 的博客首頁 Ha65494 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 02/20/2021 postreply 12:59:38 

• 好聽,兩人合唱更有味。 -天邊一片白雲♀ 給 天邊一片白雲 發送悄悄話 天邊一片白雲 的博客首頁 天邊一片白雲 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 02/20/2021 postreply 07:04:14 

• 謝謝白雲!你的花園和烹飪都賞心悅目,美不勝收! -Ha65494♀ 給 Ha65494 發送悄悄話 Ha65494 的博客首頁 Ha65494 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 02/20/2021 postreply 13:04:09 

• Nice duet!! -甜蟲蟲♀ 給 甜蟲蟲 發送悄悄話 甜蟲蟲 的博客首頁 甜蟲蟲 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (6 reads) 02/20/2021 postreply 20:44:58 

• Thanks! -Ha65494♀ 給 Ha65494 發送悄悄話 Ha65494 的博客首頁 Ha65494 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 02/20/2021 postreply 22:21:04 

• 聽了蟲蟲和你們的版本,更加喜歡這首歌了! -愛聽歌的奧黛麗♀ 給 愛聽歌的奧黛麗 發送悄悄話 愛聽歌的奧黛麗 的博客首頁 愛聽歌的奧黛麗 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 02/21/2021 postreply 11:15:57 

• 謝謝麗麗喜歡!:) -Ha65494♀ 給 Ha65494 發送悄悄話 Ha65494 的博客首頁 Ha65494 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 02/21/2021 postreply 12:52:40