Chime of the dawn bells
文章來源: 走著走著就忘了2020-02-15 15:55:47

比利時鋼琴家尚馬龍 (Jean-Francois Maljean),因2010年與尚雯婕為上海世博會共同演唱比利時館主題曲《我們的歌》而被中國人民所熟識。疫情發生以來, 他和全世界人民一樣,揪心地牽掛著疫情中的中國人民。 作為音樂家, 他說最好方式就是用音樂來傳遞希望和祝福。 近日,他與武漢的音樂人何瀏(Kelvin Ho)共同創作了一首抗疫歌曲《CHIME OF THE DAWN BELLS》。他們在音樂中同時運用了湖北的編鍾元素和鋼琴的演奏,以藉通過東西方樂器的交融唱響“中國與世界命運與共”的華章。



suffering, suffering

Is like a dar cloud

Looking, looking far away

You will see a dark sky

But when you're under it

You are, you are only grey

Don't give up

When you hear the music of chime bells

Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower

You may feel alone now

But the world stands with you 

United, united proud and brave

You will hear the chime bells

Music lifts the darkness

Shining, shining on the waves

Don't give up

When you hear the music of chime bells

Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower






The dawn will break

To end your darkest hour

Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower

The dawn will break

To end your darkest hour

Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower
