Mamans (mommy’s) present
文章來源: Olivi2Qte2019-05-11 13:36:49

Welcome all Olivi2Qte fans to another POST!!! I’m going to just give quick massage 

about THE BEST movie EVER!!! It’s called Chein’s (Dogs) way chez (Home). But it’s 

also sad!!! It’s worth every.single.dollar. Anyway,I’m regarde (watching) right now.

 So sad. Well, to the actual post. It is fête des mères (Mother’s Day) and the post is 

about the present I got her. C’est (it’s) a Pineapple Jar!! My plan was going to be 

when je suis allée à (i went to) Kumon on Thursday soir (afternoon),where I would be 

“Achète pour le collation” (“shopping for snacks”). I would convince her to stay in the

car, take her credit card, to pay for the snacks, and I would use my money to acheté 

(buy) her the gift. It all worked out, but she caught me when I was putting it on the 

car. Well, bye my readers, hope you tune in again!!