文章來源: 高爾夫之媚2019-01-01 21:02:41

一個朋友送了一本書名字叫《Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect》,最近斷斷續續看了一遍,是記述一個心裏學家Dr. Bob Rotella幾十年過程中,輔導諸多世界頂級高爾夫球手的故事。剛開始打球的時候聽前輩們說高爾夫終歸結底是一項Mental Game,根本體會不到其中奧秘,慢慢地你會領悟這麽說的道理。技術當然重要但打過一段時間後你會發現,你都努力了可結果往往差異很大,你破了100,想著下次可能更好,其實也應該更好,但結果可能又回到“三套車”。雖然杆數反複都屬正常,但有一個重要的因素即心裏穩定,常常被我們忽視。今天不詳細討論心裏因素對一場球的影響,隻是把其中的經典語錄列出來供球友們借鑒,翻譯可能不夠準確,也歡迎指教。

A person with great dreams can achieve great things


Golfering potential depends primarily on attitude,skill with the wedges and the putter,and how well a golfer thinks. Great golfers are simply ordinary people thinking well and doing extraordinary deeds.


Free will is  a golfer's greatest soure of strength and power. Choosing how to think is a crucial decision


Golfers who realize their potential generally cultivate the three D's- Desire,determination and discipline; the three P's-persistence, patiene and practise; and the three C's-confidence,concentration and composture.

高爾夫球手要挖掘其潛力,必須做到三個D- 願望,決斷和自律;三個P-堅持,耐心和練習;三個C-自信,集中和鎮靜。
