文章來源: 自信心理教練2019-01-24 20:52:35


I was lucky enough to cross paths with Haiming when he walked into Northrise Toastmasters (TM) and joined our club. I had re-joined TM to improve my fear of public speaking and become more comfortable communicating in my corporate work environment.

我很幸運在NorthRise Toastmasters(TM)演講俱樂部認識了海明。我重新加入TM演講俱樂部,是為了改善我的公眾演講能力,以便我在工作中的人際溝通可以變得更好。

I had been a TM member for three years (2yrs in 2012 and returned in 2018 for 1yr) and although I had seen improvements in my speaking and presenting skills, there was still something holding me back.


My anxiety would get the best of me and I would get quite emotional if presentations didn’t go well. The anxiety was so overwhelming and I despised that it was affecting my personal development.


Haiming had mentioned that he did hypnotism and I was interested to see if it would help. I wasn’t sure at the start, but his amazing personality and openness made me want to give it a go.


I had two sessions with him – one in August and September 2018. I cannot explain how much these sessions have changed my life. Haiming’s hypnosis helped me deal with key issues that I had been subconsciously avoiding from my childhood.


The sessions helped me rewire feelings, thoughts and reactions that brought on my anxiety and lack of confidence. The rewiring helped me acknowledge and deal with my past (there were lots of tears, but followed with a calming sense of understanding).

催眠幫助我重新改寫了我過去記憶中的情緒,想法和行為反應。正是這些記憶造成了我過去的焦慮和不自信。 改寫記憶幫助我對去的事情有了一個重新的認識(催眠時流了很多眼淚,但是接著而來的是內心的平靜和理解)

As this has helped me get to a good place personally, my professional career has taken off and have received many compliments from by employer and TM members on how much I have grown since. I still get nervous when presenting, however the sick feeling of anxiety has gone and I don’t beat myself up if things don’t go as planned. Haiming was genuine, professional and highly skilled. He is a gentle soul and I cannot recommend him enough.

因為催眠幫助我達到了個人情緒的良好的狀態,我的工作上了一個新的台階。我的老板和TM演講俱樂部的會員都說最近我進步很大。在演講的時候,我仍然會有一點緊張,但是那種令人討厭的焦慮的感覺已經消失了。如果事情不是我想象的那樣,我也不會再自責,過分苛求自己。 海明是一個真誠,專業和富有經驗的催眠師。他真誠的願意幫助他人,所以我願意推薦他。

Thank you Haiming. I truly value what you’ve done me. You’ve changed my life. C Gerrand – January 2019

謝謝你,海明!我高度認可你的服務的價值。你改變我的人生。 C Gerrand – 2019年一月。