Fight for the golden eggs
文章來源: JessAB2019-07-16 07:34:28

Fight for the golden eggs

by JessAB

The current society is divided badly by the givers and takers.  The takers are accusing of those givers for not giving them enough to live in the equivalent life of the givers.  Therefore they hate givers so much and want to fight constantly with them.  One of the weapons besides violent protests for the takers is to allege givers as ‘racists’ or ‘supremacists’ or whatever those similar words they can choose. But hey, what do the takers do to improve their own status other than keep whining and blaming others for their own incompetence and lack of accountability.  The takers don’t look into themselves to find out what are the root causes for them being as the takers. They are so fooled by those far left dems politicians thinking that there is an absolute equality in this world.  If so, they should try to cut their own fingers to an equal length. The so called‘poor’ and‘rich are just relative.  The life of ‘poor’ in the US could be a rich one as compared to other parts of the world, so the 'poor' should be very grateful to others for making their comfortable basic life possible here.

Of course, it is understandable from dems' point of view that they want open border to have more illegal migrants and help illegals more than US citizens, and they also like to use identity politics to incite the race war/class war, because once the illegals are able to vote and there are more takers here, the dems will be in power forever.  And it is also understandable that most takers want to vote for dems because they think dems politicians can give them more free stuffs.

Now the question boils down to how many golden eggs are out there.  As Warrant Buffett once said “The most important single thing is to have more‘golden eggs’ to distribute around”.  That said, it is pivotal for the future of US to have the policy that will promote more golden eggs, produce more givers and less takers. 

For those people with anti-American rhetoric, anti-market capitalism, anti-American values, they don’t deserve to be in this land, and they should go to the places where they fit in.

There will be a hard fight between these ordinary hard working people with middle or upper income and those takers if the takers want to take more and more and don’t even show the remorse.

Watch out those people because the more of them here, the less of the America would be!