文章來源: 笑忘書2019-01-02 00:07:46

—-素有南美巴西的“特朗普”之稱的Jair Bolsonaro在元旦就職典禮上的致辭


…help Brazil free itself from “corruption, criminality and economic irrresponsibility and ideological submission”.“We have a unique opportunity before us to reconstruct our country and rescue the hope of our compatriots,” he said. “We are going to unite the people, rescue the family, respect religions and our Judeo-Christian tradition, combat genre ideology, conserving our values.”Jair領導的巴西右翼保守黨在18年的10月底贏得巴西總統大選,從而終結了長達13年的左翼執政黨。新年元旦舉行了隆重的就職典禮,發表就職演說後第一時間與推特上表達祝賀的特朗普總統積極互動。美國務卿專機抵達參加就職儀式。