文章來源: 老鍵2022-03-01 09:13:47



Sins of War

Rest at last
As daylight dawns
Was this worth fighting for?
Souls now lay
In eternal night
We marched for honour
We marched for all
Are we the heroes you wanted?
We can not be saved now
From the sins of war
Steal your breath
No salvation for our souls
And now we roam
Nor dead or living
And all too late now
Are lessons learned
No peace will reign if war is ruling
We can not be saved now
From the sins of war
日輝乍現,安息已至, 此番殊鬥,值否此價? 靈魂沉眠,永夜長隨。 榮譽之召,萬眾齊進。 英雄之名,豈可亂受? 戰孽之人,實無可赦。 往事如煙,記憶窒息, 你我靈魂,救贖難期。 遊蕩陰陽,無辨死生, 悔悟已晚,痛訓長存。 戰爭不棄,和平難臨, 戰孽之人,實無可赦。