Selective Mutism child go to community event - Group Outing
文章來源: 聰明的艾米2018-04-01 04:19:34

  • Who: Amy, Friends, Parent
  • Location: Outdoors in the community
  • Environment: Loud with strangers, puppies
  • Worry Level: 2 or 3
  • Purpose: Amy can play with puppies in an unfamiliar environment

Strategy and Scene

  • Keep her busy -Encourage Amy help/ play with the dogs.
  • Create an opportunity to talk - “Which one is your favorite dog?”
  • Look for an opportunity to connect to others - “Amy and Katherine will be sharing a dog.”
  • Start conversations with a casual topic -“Can you teach me that neat trick I saw you do to your dog?”
  • Two choice question -“Where would you like to go? The park or the field?”
  • Yes/No question “Amy, do you like the dog you’re playing with?”
  • Be a sportscaster - “Wow, your dog seems to really like you! I can see that you’re petting her very softly. Will you also rub her belly?”

Amy was recently invited to a group outing where she could play with service dogs on trails throughout the park. When she arrived, the group was gathering, people were greeting and chatting with each other, the air was filled with laughers and noises. Even though Amy was anxious to meet new people, she felt a little bit uneasy surrounded by strangers. “Amy, here is your buddy, his name is Charlie.” the event organizer brought Amy her service dog. Charlie was so cute, his golden fur was shining in the sun. When Amy patted Charlie and rubbed his soft fur, she felt safe, happy and relax. At the outing event, she participated in a game involving the capturing the flags. The group was divided into two teams; the objective was to try to steal the other team’s flags. Amy was assigned on to the red team. In the red team, she paired up with a friend she recognized from school. Each participant was also paired with a service dog. “The game starts . . . Now!” Everyone ran off in a hurry. Amy and her friend immediately ran toward the field. They saw a flag in the distance on the hill. As fast as they could, Amy and her dog sprinted across the field. Her friend, however, was carrying a large bag, which burdened her when she ran. Soon, she lagged behind her. Amy slowed down for her. “Do you need help with your bag?” She offered a helping hand to her friend. “Thank you so much!” Her friend handed over the bag. Soon after, they continued to charge towards the flag. Successfully, they reached the flag and swung it pridefully in the air. Amy’s heart was filled with content and delight as the rest of the team cheered her for her efforts.

Tips: In loud environment with strangers, puppies can help Amy in an unfamiliar environment

Jun Reitman and Alyssa Song    Wechat: Junwang08837