『道德經 第二十五章 』(人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然)
文章來源: 穩穩2022-04-13 22:21:44
English Translation
Version 1:by Daniel Baida Su and Shangyu Chen
An integrated being existed before the birth of Heaven and earth.
How still! How void!
Standing all by himself and never changing,
He moves in and through all and is not wearied,
Worthy to be the mother of Heaven and earth.
I do not know his name;
So, I call it “Tao.”
If forced to name him,
I would name him “the Great.”
Being great, he keeps expanding—
Reaching to the farthest distance, until he returns.
Therefore, Tao is great;
Heaven is great;
Earth is great;
Human being is also great.
In the universe, the four are great,
And the human is one of them.
Human beings emulate the earth;
The earth emulates Heaven;
Heaven emulates Tao;
And Tao emulates what is as is.
Version 2:by John C. H. Wu