文章來源: 北美江湖2017-10-08 20:55:16

Stanley繞回到辦公桌後,拉開一個抽屜,在裏麵按下了一個按鈕。辦公室的一麵牆體從中間緩緩的裂開了,一個巨大的液晶屏從牆內推出。他從抽屜裏拿出一個遙控器按下了播放鍵,液晶屏上開始出現了畫麵,畫麵裏顯示的正是Cathy家的客廳。客廳裏有兩個人,一男一女,女的是Cathy,而男的竟是劉風。畫麵裏的兩人坐在沙發上說著話,逐漸的,劉風慢慢靠近Cathy,兩個人吻到了一起。Stanley又按了一下遙控器,畫麵停止了。他轉頭看著Cathy微笑著道:I think this can remind you of something.(我想,這會讓你想起什麽)

Cathy的臉色變得緋紅,半晌說不出話來。繼而她憤怒的說道:How dare you……(你怎麽敢)

Stanley道:Personally ,I totally understand you and what you have done. But for your husband ,I do not think so. I believe you do not want him to know about this, do you?(從我個人角度而言,我非常理解你和你所做的一切。但是,我覺得你的丈夫不會。我相信你並不想讓他知道這一切,對吧)


Stanley繼續道:Well. Let’s help each other. We can make a deal. You persuade your husband to change his political opinion and I will destroy all of the record. I can even let this guy disappear entirely from the earth.(好吧。讓我們彼此幫個忙。咱們可以達成一個協議。你說服你的丈夫轉換他的政治觀點,而我會把錄像全部銷毀。我甚至可以讓這個家夥從地球上永遠消失)


聽到這話,Cathy轉過頭來看著Stanley驚慌的說道:No, don’t hurt him please.(不,請不要傷害他)

Stanley道:Alright. It is up to you, honey. Now we got a deal ,right?(好啊。這都由你決定。現在我們達成協議了,對吧)


Stanley走到她身旁輕撫著她的肩頭道:I hope you understand what we have done is for Canada.(我希望你能理解,我們所做的一切都是為了加拿大)

Cathy仰頭看著他,嘴角露出嘲諷的微笑道:Oh ,yeah? By peeping people in their home and killing people on the street?(哦,是嗎?通過偷窺人們的隱私和在大街上殺害人們)

Stanley絲毫沒有生氣:Honey, you are still too young. Sometimes, sacrifice is necessary to achieve a great aim.(親愛的,你還是太年輕。有些時候,為了實現一個偉大的目標,犧牲是必須的)

Cathy道:What is your great aim then?(那麽你的偉大的目標是什麽)

Stanley道:You believe in God ,right. You must have read the bible and that is why you prepared so many food and water in your basement. The end of the world is coming and look at this country. It is full of heathens, homosexuality and addicts. You should not give a driver license to a teenager but how come you give the democracy to those guys who even can not plan their own lives to let them decide the destination of the whole country? Ridiculous , isn’t it? Now what we are doing is to change this. We are gonna set up a new order in Canada. It is my hometown and your kid’s hometown. You do not want to see it is destroyed ,do you?(你信仰上帝,對吧。你一定讀過聖經,這也是為什麽你會在你家的地下室裏準備這麽多的食品和水。世界末日正在來臨。看看這個國家。她充滿了異教徒、同性戀和癮君子。你不能給一個孩子發駕照,但是你怎麽能夠賦予權利給那些連自己的生活都無法規劃好的人們,讓他們來決定整個國家的命運。很荒謬,不是嗎?現在我們在做的一切就是要改變這些。我們要在加拿大建立新的秩序。這裏是我的家鄉,是你的孩子的家鄉。你不想看到她被毀掉,對吧)

Cathy不再說什麽,隻是低頭看著手裏的茶杯。Stanley又輕輕拍了拍她的肩頭道:I think you are tired. You should have a good rest. Don’t worry, honey. Your husband will recover soon and you can go to see your kid now.(我想,你有點累了。你應該好好休息一下。別擔心,親愛的。你的丈夫很快就會複原。你現在可以去看你的孩子了)


Stanley指了指Cathy道:Please take my friend to her room and bring her son to her.(請把我的朋友帶到她的房間裏,把她的兒子領給她)
