政客講人權善待移民 美國分裂無解
文章來源: 風蕭蕭_Frank2024-01-31 05:43:24



第一財經•昨天 21:46聽新聞

作者:孫卓    責編:謝涓舉報

伊格爾帕斯(Eagle Pass)是美國得克薩斯州馬弗裏克縣的一個小城,與墨西哥接壤。沿著伊格爾帕斯主街散步時,街上的精致店鋪展示著皮革製品、陶器和衣服鬥篷等,再加上獨具風格的建築,以及餐館裏供應的正宗墨西哥菜肴,讓人恍如置身於墨西哥。









白宮稱,得州國民警衛隊封鎖了聯邦邊境巡邏隊進入伊格爾帕斯靠近邊境地區的謝爾比公園(Shelby Park)的通道,該地區曾經被聯邦機構用於臨時的移民處理中心。







負責監督邊境巡邏隊的國土安全部上周要求得州總檢察長帕克斯頓(Ken Paxton)在周五之前“允許聯邦特工進入謝爾比公園”。然而,帕克斯頓拒絕了這一要求,並稱得州官員不會允許國土安全部將該地區變成“非官方和非法的入境口岸”。















“在整個拜登政府中,它(移民問題)使其他一切問題都黯然失色。”跨黨派的移民政策研究所(Migration Policy Institute)高級研究員奇什蒂(Muzaffar Chishti)表示。









紐約華人資訊  2024年01月31日  來自天津市

據紐約時報1月30日報道 拜登總統上任第一天就暫停了幾乎所有的驅逐行動。他發誓要結束川普政府的嚴苛做法,對那些希望來到美國的人表示同情,並確保南部邊境的安全。









拜登從2020年誓言“結束川普對移民社區尊嚴的攻擊”的候選人,變成了2024年 ”願意在邊境問題上做出重大妥協”的總統。這一轉變可以從五個關鍵時刻中看出。




這是對拜登移民議程的第一次重大考驗,也是對他所承諾的“更友好的方式”能否奏效的第一次考驗。在2020年競選總統期間,拜登承諾暫停驅逐出境,限製移民和海關執法局(Immigration and Customs Enforcement)的突襲行動,投資庇護係統,關閉私人移民監獄。上任第一天,拜登就向國會提出了一項龐大的移民法案,為數百萬已經生活在美國的無證移民提供入籍途徑。








2021年4月,他擴大了逃離本國幫派暴力的海地人在美國的居留人數。但美國政府同時決定,如果大批海地人湧入邊境,美國將利用新冠時代的一項名為“第42章 ”的權力將他們遣送回國。

沒花多長時間,2021年9月,在為期16天的時間裏,19752名海地人進入了德克薩斯州德爾裏奧國際大橋(Del Rio International Bridge)下的臨時營地。

拜登迅速譴責了邊境巡邏人員騎馬圍捕移民的令人震驚的畫麵,並承諾這些人員 “將付出代價”。


由於邊境巡邏隊將海地人驅逐出境的能力有限,許多海地人被允許留在美國,並被通知在移民法庭出庭。但數千人被驅逐出境。在一些日子裏,有多達39架航班滿載著移民飛往海地首都太子港( Port-au-Prince)。



與拜登關係密切的人士表示,他一直支持執法。他的一些高級助手,如直到去年夏天一直擔任他的國內政策顧問的蘇珊·賴斯(Susan E. Rice)和他的國家安全顧問傑克·沙利文(Jake Sullivan),都體現了這種強硬的態度。




總統的前海地特使丹尼爾·福特(Daniel Foote)說:“最初他們說,‘我們要擺脫川普政府的東西’,但後來他們意識到,那是我們把人擋在外麵的唯一辦法。”他在政府把海地人遣返後辭職,以示抗議。





在2022年4月的一次新聞發布會上,德克薩斯州州長格雷格·阿博特(Greg Abbott)發誓要“把邊境交給拜登總統”,將成千上萬的移民送往民主黨領導的城市。


6月中旬,巴士抵達洛杉磯市中心。去年9月和平安夜,他們在副總統卡瑪拉·哈裏斯(Kamala Harris)的家門前放下了移民。佛羅裏達州州長羅恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)將一飛機的人送往自由派精英的度假勝地瑪莎葡萄園(Martha’s Vineyard)。大巴湧入紐約市。

民主黨領導人應接不暇。他們呼籲總統出麵,稱湧入的人群消耗了他們的資源。紐約市長埃裏克·亞當斯(Eric Adams)說,如果沒有聯邦救助和邊境管製,移民潮 “將摧毀紐約市”。

要求邊境安全的人不再隻是川普或前總統的首席移民顧問斯蒂芬·米勒(Stephen Miller)這樣的共和黨人。














三年前,民主黨人可能會反對。但現在不會了。2023 年10月,來自馬薩諸塞州的民主黨議員在國會閉門會議上向國土安全部部長亞曆杭德羅·馬約卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)發泄了深深的不滿。







2023年12月,邊境人員突然關閉了從墨西哥進入德克薩斯州的鷹口貨運列車橋(Eagle Pass)。原來,列車長被人收買,在火車北上穿越墨西哥時放慢了速度,以便讓成千上萬的移民跳上火車,越過邊境。

關閉大橋是遏製邊境的最後努力,但它已經失敗。在鷹口,一個帳篷式的設施計劃用於容納1000名被拘留的移民,但現在卻容納了6000人。進入美國的人數比以往任何時候都多:12 月,每天有超過1.1萬名移民穿越邊境。

在憤怒的鐵路管理者和沮喪的地方官員的壓力下,拜登致電墨西哥總統安德烈·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯-奧夫拉多爾(Andrés Manuel López Obrador)。由於缺乏資金,墨西哥當月暫停了自己的移民驅逐行動。據幾位美國官員透露,拜登說,這種情況必須改變。


國務卿安東尼·布林肯(Antony J. Blinken)去年大部分時間都在烏克蘭和中東,他和馬約卡斯以及總統的國土安全顧問利茲·舍伍德-蘭德爾(Liz Sherwood-Randall)趕赴墨西哥城。一天後,他們帶著墨西哥的承諾返回——這是一個相對較小的勝利,但仍然是一個勝利。


白宮發言人安德魯·貝茨(Andrew Bates)說,“絕大多數美國人都同意拜登總統在他的第一天改革計劃中所強調的,我們的移民係統已經崩潰,我們必須確保邊境安全,並有尊嚴地對待移民。”




How the Border Crisis Shattered Biden's Immigration Hopes




An examination of President Biden's record reveals how he failed to overcome a surge in new arrivals and political obstacles in both parties.



The Biden administration has created pathways for legal immigration and also embraced some of former President Donald J. Trump’s harsh tactics.Credit...Maansi Srivastava/The New York TimesShare full article

By Michael D. Shear, Hamed Aleaziz and Zolan Kanno-Youngs  Jan. 30, 2024

The authors have collectively reported on the border and immigration politics for more than two decades. They reported from Washington.



On President Biden’s first day in office, he paused nearly all deportations. He vowed to end the harsh practices of the Trump administration, show compassion toward those wishing to come to the United States and secure the southern border.

For Mr. Biden, it was a matter of principle. He wanted to show the world that the United States was a humane nation, while also demonstrating to his fellow citizens that government could work again.

But those early promises have largely been set aside as chaos engulfs the border and imperils Mr. Biden’s re-election hopes. The number of people crossing into the United States has reached record levels, more than double than in the Trump years. The asylum system is still all but broken.

On Friday, in a dramatic turnaround from those early days, the president implored Congress to grant him the power to shut down the border so he could contain one of the largest surges of uncontrolled immigration in American history.



“If given that authority,” Mr. Biden said in a statement, “I would use it the day I sign the bill into law.”

Some of the circumstances that have created the crisis are out of Mr. Biden’s control, such as the collapse of Venezuela, a surge in migration around the world and the obstinance of Republicans who have tried to thwart his efforts to address the problems. They refused to provide resources, blocked efforts to update laws and openly defied federal officials charged with maintaining security and order along the 2,000-mile border.A Border Patrol vehicle on a dirt road in front of a cityscape at twilight.A Border Patrol officer in Sunland Park, N.M., last year.

But an examination of Mr. Biden’s record over the last three years by The New York Times, based on interviews with more than 35 current and former officials and others, shows that the president has failed to overcome those obstacles. The result is a growing humanitarian crisis at the border and in major cities around the country. Many voters now say immigration is their top concern, and they do not have confidence that Mr. Biden is addressing it.

A veteran of the decades-long search for a bipartisan immigration compromise by the late Senators John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, the president sought balance. He created legal pathways for migrants and began rebuilding the refugee system even as he embraced some of former President Donald J. Trump’s more restrictive tactics. But those efforts were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of people arriving at the border, and at times Mr. Biden failed to appreciate the growing anger in both parties.



During the 2020 campaign, Mr. Biden said he would be an antidote to his predecessor’s anti-immigrant approach. But he has presided over a fierce struggle inside the White House between advisers who favored more enforcement and those who pushed to be more welcoming. That debate played out as the country also shifted. After years of inflation, economic suffering and political polarization, the public is divided about whether the United States — which is home to more immigrants than any other nation — should absorb more.

Mr. Biden went from a 2020 candidate who vowed to “end Trump’s assault on the dignity of immigrant communities” to a 2024 president who is “willing to make significant compromises on the border.” That shift can be seen through the prism of five key moments that document the administration’s shifting approach on a defining issue of his presidency and of the next election.

Unaccompanied migrant children were held at a detention center in Donna, Texas, in 2021.Credit...Pool photo by Dario Lopez-Mills

The Children Arrive

When children from Central America started crossing by the thousands in spring 2021, many very young and seeking to join a relative already in the United States, the president’s first instinct was compassion. In a meeting in the Roosevelt Room, he ordered his top aides to travel to the border to see the desperate, overcrowded conditions.

He also demanded to see the pictures. Mr. Biden believed he had been elected to deal with immigration in a humane manner. The sight of thousands of migrant children jammed into crowded border detention facilities, some of whom would later end up in dangerous and brutal jobs elsewhere in the United States, was not what most people imagined under a Biden presidency.



It was the first big test of his immigration agenda, and of whether the more welcoming approach he promised would work. During his campaign for the White House in 2020, Mr. Biden pledged to limit raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, invest in the asylum system and close private immigration prisons. On his first day in office, he proposed a vast immigration bill to Congress that would have provided a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants already living in America.

The next day, he paused deportations for 100 days, and even though a federal judge later blocked that policy, some migrants took it as a sign that it was worth a dangerous trek to the U.S. border.

Republicans seized the moment. They declared Mr. Biden’s immigration overhaul dead on arrival and warned that human traffickers and smugglers would funnel migrants to America with the false promise that the new president was throwing open the border — a risk that some inside the administration agreed with, according to several current and former U.S. officials.

The president dismissed the criticism. He had never been a Democrat who wanted to abolish ICE or decriminalize border crossings. But longtime aides described him as determined to prove to voters that government can work, especially after the chaos of the Trump presidency.

The images of the children in overcrowded camps were the exact opposite of what he wanted to project. At one point, he exploded in frustration about the chaos at the border: Who do I need to fire, he demanded, to fix this?



In the West Wing, the president’s advisers held urgent talks about whether to send the children back to Mexico, but Mr. Biden said no, according to a senior official who was in the meeting.

Sending them back, the president said, would be unconscionable and inhumane.

A U.S. Border Patrol agent tried to stop a Haitian migrant from entering an encampment on the banks of the Rio Grande near the Del Rio International Bridge in Texas in 2021.Credit...Paul Ratje/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Sending Haitians Back

Mr. Biden’s more welcoming stance was quickly tested.

In April 2021, he had expanded the number of Haitians who could stay in the United States after fleeing gang violence in their country. But the administration also decided that if a surge of Haitians arrived at the border, the United States would send them right back, using a Covid-era authority known as Title 42.

It did not take long. During a 16-day period in September 2021, 19,752 Haitians crossed into a makeshift camp under the Del Rio International Bridge in Texas.

Mr. Biden quickly condemned shocking images of Border Patrol officers on horseback rounding up migrants and promised that the officers “would pay.”



But there was also intense pressure from the White House to clear the bridge, one former official said. National security advisers in the West Wing held calls twice a day to coordinate the administration’s efforts to deal with the fallout from a humanitarian crisis that swiftly became a political crisis as well.

Many of the Haitians were allowed to stay in the United States, with notices to appear in immigration court, because of limits on the Border Patrol’s capacity to remove them from the country. But thousands were deported. Some flights took migrants back to Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, while others flew them to less crowded parts of the border within the United States, a practice the administration called “decompression.”

Officials estimated that thousands of migrants converged on Del Rio, Texas, in 2021.Credit...Julio Cortez/Associated Press

The rapid deportations exposed a split in the administration that would only grow over time.

People close to Mr. Biden said he had always supported enforcing the law. Some of his top aides, such as Susan E. Rice, who served as his domestic policy adviser until last summer, and Jake Sullivan, his national security adviser, embodied that tough-minded approach.

“Migrants and asylum seekers absolutely should not believe those in the region peddling the idea that the border will suddenly be fully open to process everyone on Day 1,” Ms. Rice had said early on in Mr. Biden’s presidency.



But others in the administration saw the treatment of Haitians as a betrayal of the values that Mr. Biden had promised to uphold.

In meetings, advisers complained that some migrants had been told to board deportation flights without a chance to ask for asylum and without being told where they were going.

“Originally they said, ‘We’re going to get rid of Trump administration stuff,’” said Daniel Foote, the president’s former envoy to Haiti, who resigned in protest after the administration sent the Haitians back. “But then they realized that this is the only way we can keep people out.”

Pressure was building on Mr. Biden to find a solution.

He looked to the one place that could pass meaningful new immigration laws, but has not done so in decades: Congress.

Migrants arriving in New York City last year.Credit...David Dee Delgado for The New York Times

The Democratic Revolt

Republicans in Washington largely ignored Mr. Biden’s entreaties to come to the negotiating table to help fix the immigration system. And out in the country, G.O.P. officials came up with their own plan.



During a news conference in April 2022, Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas vowed to “take the border to President Biden” by busing thousands of migrants to Democratic-led cities.

It was a stunt, but it worked.

Buses arrived in downtown Los Angeles in mid-June. They dropped off migrants in front of the home of Vice President Kamala Harris in September and again on Christmas Eve. Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida sent a planeload of people to Martha’s Vineyard, a vacation getaway for liberal elites. Buses streamed into New York City.

Democratic leaders were overwhelmed. They called for the president to step in, saying the influx was a drain on their resources. Mayor Eric Adams of New York said that without a federal bailout and clampdown at the border, swelling migration “will destroy New York City.”

The people demanding border security were no longer just Republicans like Mr. Trump or Stephen Miller, the former president’s top immigration adviser. They were members of Mr. Biden’s own party.



The administration scrambled to meet the Democratic demands, providing more money and speeding up the processing of work permits.

But the busing of migrants clearly shifted the discourse around the issue. And polling began to show growing support in the United States for border measures once denounced by Democrats and championed by Mr. Trump.

Mr. Biden last year repeatedly accused “extreme Republicans” of blocking his efforts to modernize the nation’s immigration laws during his only immigration speech.Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times

Curbing Asylum

Not long after New Year’s Day in 2023, Mr. Biden delivered the only immigration speech of his presidency. It was notable in part because the president rarely used the power of his office to press for change the way he did for climate change, tax fairness or support for Ukraine, allowing Republicans to paint him as weak and ineffective.

But in his speech from the Roosevelt Room, he announced tough new restrictions on asylum, the system of laws that has for decades established the United States as a place of refuge for displaced and fearful people across the globe.



Mr. Biden repeatedly accused “extreme Republicans” of blocking his efforts to modernize the nation’s immigration laws, refusing to provide billions of dollars for border security and rejecting bipartisan negotiations.

“They can keep using immigration to try to score political points,” he said, “or they can help solve the problem.”

The president’s speech was the culmination of months of frustration and debate inside the administration on how to confront the crisis. But the reaction underscored the difficulties: Human rights groups condemned it as too harsh. Republicans said it was still too lenient.

Migrants from Venezuela in Chicago. Cities across the United States have faced a growing number of migrants.Credit...Jamie Kelter Davis for The New York Times

Mr. Biden was responding to the largest movement of displaced people since World War II, with millions fleeing economic decline, political instability and gang violence — from Central America, South America, Africa and elsewhere.



It was not, as Mr. Trump often claimed, caravans full of criminals or terrorists. But neither was it people who all had legitimate reasons for claiming asylum to stay in the United States permanently.

Some advisers who tried to appeal to Mr. Biden’s heart on the issue eventually left the administration, feeling disillusioned. The ones who remained encouraged the president to listen to his head: The situation at the border was getting worse, and more enforcement was needed.

Republicans said the new rules were still too weak, noting that Mr. Biden had voluntarily dropped enforcement of the Title 42 authority. Immigration activists criticized Mr. Biden, too, saying he was no better than Mr. Trump.

The impact of the political shift soon became obvious, as Republicans on Capitol Hill demanded a crackdown on the border in exchange for their votes on one of Mr. Biden’s top priorities: sending more military aid to Ukraine.

Three years earlier, Democrats might have balked. But not anymore. Deeply frustrated Democratic lawmakers from Massachusetts vented to Alejandro Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, in a closed-door session at the Capitol in October 2023.



Their message to the secretary was driven by the financial costs of dealing with the migrants in their state: You have to do something. This has got to stop.

Mr. Biden soon sensed an opening to capitalize on the changing dynamic, and on Dec. 6 he made it official.

“I am willing to make significant compromises on the border,” he said. “We need to fix the broken border system. It is broken.”

Migrants rode a freight train en route to the U.S. border last year.Credit...John Moore/Getty Images

Keeping Them Out

After nearly three years of Mr. Biden’s presidency, just about every week brought new evidence of the dysfunction.



In New Mexico, a local high school went on lockdown several times a month because of migrants swarming across school grounds. In Texas, homeowners woke up to find migrants sleeping in their garages.

In December 2023, border officers abruptly closed the bridge carrying freight trains from Mexico into Texas at Eagle Pass. It turned out conductors were being bribed to slow down as the trains made their way north through Mexico, allowing thousands of migrants to jump on and cross the border.

Closing the bridge was a last-ditch effort to contain the border, and it was failing. In Eagle Pass, a tent-like facility designed to hold 1,000 detained migrants was housing 6,000. And the number of people coming into the United States was higher than it had ever been: In December, more than 11,000 migrants were crossing the border each day.

Under pressure from angry rail executives and frustrated local officials, Mr. Biden called President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico. Mexico that month had suspended its own migrant deportations, which help prevent people from traveling north toward the United States, because of a lack of funding. That had to change, Mr. Biden said, according to several U.S. officials.

Mr. López Obrador urged the president to send a delegation right away to discuss the issue, prompting a last-minute scramble as Mr. Biden’s top diplomat and several others abandoned holiday plans.



Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, who had spent much of the year in Ukraine and the Middle East, rushed to Mexico City with Mr. Mayorkas and Liz Sherwood-Randall, the president’s homeland security adviser. They returned a day later with a commitment from Mexico to resume enforcement — a relatively small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Mr. Biden’s record over the past three years shows that his efforts on immigration have largely failed.Credit...Fred Ramos for The New York Times

As he campaigns for a second term in the White House, Mr. Biden has become unapologetic in his calls for more, and stricter, enforcement at the border.

“The American people overwhelmingly agree with what President Biden underlined in his Day 1 reform plan,” said Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman, “that our immigration system is broken and we have an imperative to secure the border and treat migrants with dignity.”

On Saturday, as he fought to save a bipartisan immigration deal from collapse in Congress, Mr. Biden made a forceful case for a sweeping crackdown on immigration during a campaign event in South Carolina.



He appears ready to run more as a leader determined to keep people out and less as a champion of displaced people.

“If that bill were the law today,” Mr. Biden said to applause, “I’d shut down the border right now and fix it quickly.”





A correction was made on  Jan. 30, 2024 

An earlier version of this article misstated how many flights of migrants were sent back to Port-au-Prince in September 2021. There were 58 expulsion flights that month, not up to 39 flights per day.

How we handle corrections

Michael D. Shear is a White House correspondent for The New York Times, covering President Biden and his administration. He has reported on politics for more than 30 years. More about Michael D. Shear

Zolan Kanno-Youngs is a White House correspondent covering a range of domestic and international issues in the Biden White House, including homeland security and extremism. He joined The Times in 2019 as the homeland security correspondent. More about Zolan Kanno-Youngs