澤連斯基 太多衝突 地球是狗的
文章來源: 風蕭蕭_Frank2023-11-09 13:08:08


 作者:Ruetir 2023 年 11 月 9 日


烏克蘭總統弗拉基米爾·澤倫斯基和他的寵物狗一起出去玩。 照片/插圖

基輔—狗總是很可愛,考慮到世界各地的許多衝突,狗似乎是地球比人類更好的選擇。 這是烏克蘭總統弗拉基米爾·澤連斯基向記者表示的。

這位烏克蘭領導人在路透社 NEXT 會議上結束虛擬露麵時透露了他對狗的喜愛。 澤倫斯基將他從寵物身上得到的快樂與他看到世界衝突時的感受進行了比較。



“有時我真的不理解人們……隻是瘋狂的人,瘋狂的人,”他引用 RT 周四(2023 年 9 月 11 日)的話說道。


在活動中,澤連斯基表示相信烏克蘭能夠在與俄羅斯的衝突中展現“戰場成果”。 這與基輔軍事領導層的一些成員相矛盾。 烏克蘭武裝部隊司令瓦列裏·紮盧日內將軍上周對《經濟學人》表示,衝突已經陷入僵局,烏克蘭不太可能出現“深刻而美好的突破”。



Lots of Conflict, Zelensky: Earth Should Be a Planet of Dogs

 by Ruetir November 9, 2023



Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hangs out with his pet dog. Photo/Illustration

KIEV – Dogs are always cute and seem to be a better choice for Earth than humans, considering the many conflicts around the world. This was stated by the President Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to reporters.

The Ukrainian leader revealed his fondness for dogs as he concluded his virtual appearance at the Reuters NEXT conference. Zelensky compared the joy he gets from his pets to what he feels seeing conflict in the world.

“Seeing all these wars, seeing all the crises… not just in Ukraine, (but) in Africa, in the Middle East,” he said.

“Sometimes I look at this and think it would be best if this planet was a dog planet,” he added.

“Sometimes I don’t understand people, really… Just crazy people, crazy people,” he said as quoted from RT, Thursday (9/11/2023).

The audience attending the event considered Zelensky’s remarks as a joke.

At the event, Zelensky expressed confidence that Ukraine could show “battlefield results” in a conflict with Russia. This contradicted some members of Kiev’s military leadership. General Valery Zaluzhny, commander of Ukraine’s armed forces, told The Economist last week that the conflict had reached a stalemate and it was unlikely there would be a “deep and beautiful breakthrough” for his country.

A Time magazine profile of Zelensky, also published last week, claimed that the president’s confidence in Kiev’s victory over Moscow was “almost messianic,” while a presidential aide quoted by the outlet described the Ukrainian leader as “delusional.”

In his video appearance at the Reuters conference, Zelensky claimed that Kiev suffered fewer casualties than Russia.



烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)今天接受路透社訪問時,談及解決地緣政治問題之道,戲稱最好的方法是讓這世界成為“狗的星球”。




