匈牙利歐爾班 歐盟既沒實現和平 也沒實現繁榮
文章來源: 風蕭蕭_Frank2023-07-01 08:38:52


2023-06-29 觀察者網




俄烏衝突發生後,歐洲對俄製裁產生的外溢影響,令歐洲通脹水平高企,經濟持續承壓。歐洲央行首席經濟學家菲利普·連恩(Philip Lane)6月表示,歐元區通脹水平在幾年內都不會下降到2%的水平。26日,國際貨幣基金組織要求歐盟各國央行積極采取措施應對高通脹,即使可能會影響到經濟發展。




另一方麵,歐洲議會6月1日壓倒性通過了一項決議草案,旨在阻撓匈牙利在2024年下半年接任歐盟輪值主席國職務。盡管這項決議並沒有強製約束力,但依然引發了匈牙利方麵的怒火。歐爾班首席政治顧問巴拉茲·歐爾班(Balázs Orbán)在推特對此抨擊道:“匈牙利因其反戰立場而再次受到布魯塞爾的勒索。”



Today's European Union offers 'neither peace nor prosperity,' Hungary's Orban laments

29 JUN, 04:22 https://tass.com/world/1640197

At their two-day summit that kicks off later on Thursday, the EU leaders are planning to discuss the attempted armed mutiny in Russia and the military conflict in Ukraine, and the bloc’s further support for it, as well as how to legally tap frozen Russian assets

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban AP Photo/Franc Zhurda
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban
BUDAPEST, June 29. /TASS/. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban offered a downbeat assessment of the current state of affairs within the European Union, before departing Budapest on Thursday for the bloc’s annual summit in Brussels, lamenting that neither peace nor prosperity prevailed in the bloc.

"The European Union was established for two purposes. First, for peace, and now a war is raging there. Second, for prosperity, and the economy is now increasingly a matter for concern," Orban wrote on the Hungarian government’s page on Facebook (prohibited in Russia due to its ownership by Meta, which has been designated as extremist).

At their two-day summit that kicks off later on Thursday, the EU leaders are planning to discuss the attempted armed mutiny in Russia and the military conflict in Ukraine, and the bloc’s further support for it, as well as how to legally tap frozen Russian assets. The bloc’s relationship with China and regulating migrant flows from Asia and Africa will also be on the agenda.