中國駐美國特使謝峰 應邀五角大樓安全會議
文章來源: 風蕭蕭_Frank2023-07-12 23:39:58


作者:Phil Stewart 和 David Brunnstrom 2023 年 7 月 13 日

2023年5月23日,中國新任駐美國大使謝鋒抵達美國紐約肯尼迪機場時向媒體發表講話。路透社/Brendan McDermid/資料照片

路透華盛頓7月12日 - 五角大樓表示,中國駐美國大使周三在五角大樓與美國負責亞洲事務的高級國防官員舉行了罕見的會晤,會談是在美國批評中國不願進行軍事通信之後進行的。



邁納斯說,討論持續了大約 90 分鍾。





“中國大使並不經常會見美國高級國防官員,”孫說。 “這表明中國至少正在回應美國的擔憂,但實際進展仍需要時間和談判。”


美國財政部長珍妮特·耶倫本月早些時候訪問了中國,氣候特使約翰·克裏預計將於下周訪問。 美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯上個月訪問北京,這是自 2018 年以來美國國務卿首次訪華。


五角大樓最高政策顧問科林·卡爾 (Colin Kahl) 7 月 10 日在倫敦舉行的一個論壇上表示:“我們定期與北京聯係,以加強我們的危機溝通和危機管理渠道,但他們卻一連串地把我們拒之門外。”

中國公開表示美國的製裁是軍事對話的障礙。 中國國防部長李尚福自 2018 年以來因從俄羅斯主要武器出口商俄羅斯國防出口公司購買作戰飛機和裝備而受到製裁。


卡爾說:“當我們與他們進行對話時,他們會說:‘如果你不想發生危機,有一個簡單的答案……滾出去。就像,你不是太平洋大國。’” 對於來自太平洋沿岸加利福尼亞州的人來說,這是一件奇怪的事情。



Phil Stewart、David Brunnstrom 和 Rami Ayyub 以及 Liz Lee 在北京的報道; 馬克·海因裏希和黛安·克拉夫特編輯


China's US envoy makes rare Pentagon visit for security-related talks

By  and   July 13, 2023

Xie Feng, China's new ambassador to the U.S., addresses the media as he arrives at JFK airport in New York City, U.S., May 23, 2023. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid/File Photo

WASHINGTON, July 12 (Reuters) - China's ambassador to the United States held a rare meeting at the Pentagon on Wednesday with the top U.S. defense official for Asia, the Pentagon said, in talks that followed U.S. criticism of Chinese reluctance to engage in military communications.

A brief Pentagon statement said Chinese Ambassador Xie Feng discussed defense relations and "a range of international and regional security issues" in talks with Ely Ratner, a U.S. assistant secretary of defense.

"Ratner also underscored the Department's commitment to maintaining open lines of military-to-military communication between the United States and the PRC," Pentagon spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Martin Meiners said, using the acronym for China's official name.

The discussions lasted about 90 minutes, Meiners said.

In a statement early Thursday, China's embassy in Washington said Xie urged the U.S. to meet China halfway to gradually return relations between the two countries and their militaries to the right track.

"A healthy and stable China-U.S. relationship is in the common interest of both countries," Xie said in the meeting, according to the statement.

Xie also requested "the U.S. side to take action to remove obstacles, manage differences, handle Taiwan and other important and sensitive issues cautiously in accordance with the principles of the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques."

Yun Sun, director of the China program at the Stimson Center, said the meeting was "quite unusual."

"The Chinese ambassador does not often meet with U.S. senior defense officials," Sun said. "It suggests China is at least responding to U.S. concerns, but the actual progress still requires time and negotiations."

With U.S.-China relations at a low over national security issues, including Taiwan, U.S. export bans on advanced technologies and China's state-led industrial policies, Washington has been trying to repair ties between the world's two biggest economies.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visited China earlier this month and climate envoy John Kerry is expected to visit next week. Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Beijing last month, the first trip to China by a U.S. secretary of state since 2018.

But Beijing snubbed U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's efforts to hold an in-depth meeting with his Chinese counterpart at a defense forum in Singapore last month, and military communications have stalled.

"We have regularly reached out to thicken our crisis communications and crisis management channels with Beijing and they have serially pushed us off," Colin Kahl, the Pentagon's top policy adviser, told a forum in London on July 10.

China has publicly cited U.S. sanctions as an obstacle to military dialogue. Chinese Defence Minister Li Shangfu has been sanctioned since 2018 over the purchase of combat aircraft and equipment from Russia's main arms exporter, Rosoboronexport.

But Kahl said in London that China appeared to be concerned that Washington was going to use crisis management channels "so we can have more crises".

"When we have these conversations with them, they're like: 'If you don't want crises, there's a simple answer ... Get out. Like, you're not a Pacific power," Kahl said, adding that was a strange thing to hear as someone from the Pacific coast state of California.

Sun said Beijing was unlikely to accept a defense minister-level meeting with Austin unless Washington addresses the sanction on Li.

"Some have argued that the Li-Austin meeting would be a prerequisite for working-level mil-to-mil to resume. It doesn’t have to be, but it makes sense given the protocol," Sun said.

Reporting by Phil Stewart, David Brunnstrom and Rami Ayyub, and Liz Lee in Beijing; editing by Mark Heinrich and Diane Craft

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


謝鋒赴五角大廈會談 中美軍事對話有譜?




(德國之聲中文網)路透社報道,美國國防部發布聲明稱,中國駐美大使謝鋒週三(7月12日)在五角大廈會晤了美國負責亞洲事務的助理國防部長拉特納(Ely Ratner),討論兩國的防務關係,以及一係列“國際和區域安全問題”。此前,美國曾指中國不願在軍事方麵進行對話。

五角大廈發言人邁納斯(Martin Meiners)表示,拉特納在這場約90分鍾的會議中強調,美國國防部致力維持美中之間“開放的軍事交流管道”。


美國史汀生中心(Stimson Center)的中國項目主任孫韻表示,中國大使不常會見美國的高階國防官員,這是一場“非常不尋常”的會議,“顯示中國至少正在回應美方的擔憂,但實際進展仍需要時間和談判”。


五角大廈的最高政顧問卡爾(Colin Kahl)7月10日在倫敦的論壇上表示:“我們定期與北京聯係,以強化我們的危機溝通和管理管道,但他們卻不斷把我們拒於門外。”

中美之間因台灣議題、美國先進技術出口禁令和中國以國家主導的產業政策等問題而陷入低穀,華盛頓一直在努力修複兩國關係,近期也派出一係列代表訪問中國——國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)6月造訪中國,讓他成為2018年以來首位訪華的美國國務卿;財政部長耶倫(Janet Yellen)本月稍早也訪問了北京;氣候特使克裏(John Kerry)預計下週將前往訪問。

盡管中美在上述領域已開始對話,但此前美國國防部曾希望讓兩國防長在6月的新加坡“香格裏拉對話”上會晤,遭到中方拒絕,雙方軍事溝通繼續停滯。當時,美國防長奧斯汀(Lloyd Austin)對此表示遺憾,並稱兩國國防部門應有開放的溝通管道;布林肯亦曾表示:“不溝通是最危險的事。”中國國防部則說,雙方交流困難的責任全在“不顧中方關切,人為製造障礙”的美方,中國外交部發言人毛寧曾要求美國“展現誠意”。



