文章來源: 風帆在加2021-06-03 07:43:37

我曾經見過兩次貓頭鷹出窩。一次是eastern screech owl。因為screech owl比較小,小貓頭鷹膽子偏大,所以眼見小家夥出窩還是比較可能的;大型的野外貓頭鷹,其一窩更加隱秘,其二當出窩季節,父母會指導孩子的行為,對它們的出窩引導更加詭秘。下麵的這個視頻是barred owl小家夥的出窩全過程。從出窩直到小家夥爬上高枝,壓縮的過程一共8分鍾。歡迎有興趣的朋友觀看:












2021 小貓頭鷹離家記-How owl kid leaves home? https://youtu.be/8cr9uCAbsmQ

2020.5 The barred owl nest - Mom fed the owlet https://youtu.be/hDhMQYmONbA

2020.4 The barred owl nest - Mom's breakfast and afternoon snack https://youtu.be/gNOXRnZ3aq8

2020.3 The barred owl nest - Owlet branching in the woods https://youtu.be/cEHxTi5B4Xc

2020.2 The barred owl nest - owlet stage show on the edge of the nest https://youtu.be/GHzPZuJbof4

2020.1 The barred owl nest - Mom fed the kids in the nest https://youtu.be/CeQCoFHaZOY

2019 Full story of Barred Owl nest from Ottawa (2019) https://youtu.be/WS4HepGl7Bw

2019.4 - All wet barred owlets after the heavy rain https://youtu.be/Kkc2BKzZgj8

2019.3 - Amazing - watch the barred owl kid walking on the ground! https://youtu.be/Yb5xZTv7SoE

2019.2 - Amazing - watch the barred owl kid climbing the tree! https://youtu.be/2vX76azaH_A

2019.1 - Barred owlet's first day out of the nest https://youtu.be/7pNVsCFy8DE

2018 - There was no nest...

2017 Full story of Barred Owl nest from Ottawa (2017) https://youtu.be/FXFu6p399Ak

2017.9. The barred owl nest - The lazy branching owlet https://youtu.be/QW92U6oSJtQ

2017.8. The barred owl nest - Owlet on the ground https://youtu.be/ACAQV421Hhs

2017.7. The barred owl nest - Owlet in the rain https://youtu.be/DW38kAgCf7o

2017.6. The barred owl nest - Mom & Dad's secret life https://youtu.be/0tFrprxJFmI

2017.5. The barred owl nest - First night in the woods https://youtu.be/NZbh_ZAdsxU

2017.4. The barred owl nest - Owlet changes the body shape! https://youtu.be/eTjKRGQUtnM

2017.3 The barred owl nest - First day out! https://youtu.be/LKNuDJFUD-s

2017.2. The barred owl nest - Last day in the nest https://youtu.be/Tmi8uzrjpIo

2017.1. The barred owl nest - Feeding the owlet https://youtu.be/Ue5O6-SEY6I