【原創即興曲】抒情的即興曲 by chuntianle 和原來的即興做比較
文章來源: chuntianle2018-11-10 05:54:41

貼兩個即興曲,一個是原來邊彈邊作的,一個是十月才作的。 放在一起比較並感受了一下當時的感覺。不同的人不同的時間感覺不一樣。再聽感覺那時一個恬靜,悠閑;一個激情四射, 還有勇氣。這一段有點忙,有點累。如果現在即興彈沒有譜子一定彈不出那樣的感覺。

原來彈的。好象沒有及時貼上來。那天彈了三段即興曲。第一段放得開,但沒有錄下來;這個是第二段, 有點拘謹,有點抒情;第三段, 有點異國情調。視頻是原來做的,題目也是原來起的。

當時過節,也是雷雨交加之後 。想彈即興表達一下感覺。 這是其中的一段。
【原創即興曲】 獻給十月,最近彈的。同時寫了中文和英文描述。隻貼了中文,借此機會貼上英文。
"Impromptu To October" chuntianle
即興曲 獻給十月
Self Composed Song
I played another impromptu last night. In the music, I feel the notes flying up and down; I see rugged roads, and difficulties; I feel the courage, and persistence; there are thinking, and exploring; just like outlines in the paintings, and thick colors adding the finishing touch; try to describe it carefully, and only the "impressions"; there are water-like melody, and plot conflicts. But it reflects the reality glance. It is a spontaneous, fresh and natural feeling. I used to say "The most beautiful things should come from the heart" in one of my posts in the forum. I call this piece of improvisation "To October" or “Ode to October”..

I hope that the songs I wrote or the improvisations draw a touch of "impression", "my impression". I would feel the life and put it into my "impression" "style" of music.