文章來源: 巴山夜貓狸2018-06-26 22:55:33

晚飯後,女兒, D 和她男朋友帶兒子 R 出去玩。晚上快11:00了,還沒回來,我有點兒著急了。打電話沒人接,發微信沒人回,我真有點兒生氣了。你大了,時常半夜回來。別把我兒子帶壞了!TM 給 D 打了幾次電話,D 終於回微信了。

W: D, where are you ?  R need be home.

D:Oh sorry okay。 I didn’t know he had time limit 

W:he must be home no later than 10 pm.  he is still a boy,  not allowed stay outside too late. when do you send him home?

D:We’ll head Home now 。

W:thank you

D:Sorry I wasn’t aware of the time he had to be home by

W:its ok ,  I did not make it clear. my fault.
