southwesten advantage math
文章來源: 巴山夜貓狸2018-06-17 00:29:48

傍晚,一女孩來推銷 southwesten advantage 書。R告訴我她來過幾次,我沒在家。


她自我介紹是來自捷克,現在美國讀 college 做 intern, 推銷教學書。

我想R暑假這麽長, 做做課外題也好。

兩本很沉,很厚的math 書。 價格300$。 有點猶豫, R 擔心用不上,老師講的都能聽懂。我說,買了就要看哦,別當擺設。女孩給我們介紹半天, 不忍心拒絕。

她說她住在downtown是打uber過來的。推銷一本書也不容易。 如果不買,她書沒賣出去,還賠了車費。 R 說買吧。

於是pay 了。 壇裏有了解 southwesten advantage 的嗎?


The Southwestern Company Door to Door Deception


How do you feel about a company that relies on prying information about your children from your neighbors without your consent?

A college-aged woman came to our door and said she was visiting all the homes of the children in our school district to provide resources for our kids to use for homework completion.  I invited her in.  It was also hot outside, and she had made the clear impression that she was employed by our school district.  She showed me her list of names, and told me she had to visit with each family in her assigned section of the district.

The charade that she was associated with the school district continued, even as I asked direct questions about it.  She would not say “No, I am not from your school district or employed by your school district.” until I asked her directly “Were you sent by our school district and are you employed by them?”  Instead she said she was interning for “them” (deliberately vague pronoun meaning her company, rather than the school system), and that she was brought in from Colorado while interns from our area of the state were sent there as part of the program.  She said it was for college credits.

She asked personal questions about my wife, myself, our home, our kids, and details about our kids’ education.  She did all this under the (technically unstated) guise of being an official with the local school district.  We’d been duped into conversational information sharing with someone misrepresenting herself.

edited to add:  When the saleswoman gained affirmation that our daughter was to attend the school she was listed under, the salesperson immediately made it appear that she had a personal relationship with the principal of that school.  She named her, asked if we’d met her then referred to her by her first name and said what a wonderful person she was and didn’t we find that to be so.  Again the inference that she had been sent by this principal in an official capacity, representing our school.

She eased into what became a more and more obvious sales pitch.  She was selling reference books for families “who prioritize education”.  I asked how she got our name and address and she evaded a couple of times before saying that she inquires about neighbors from other homes she visited.  She gave the names of several of our


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