老中應該向老美學學!(2018/3/31 更新)
文章來源: hhtt2017-07-04 10:29:12

Most of us have very good jobs.  Overall Asian is the highest income group among White, Black and Hispanic.  Among the Asians, we are the second highest group which means that we are the second highest income group in the nation.  Thus, we should live like the second highest income group, but we don't.  We live very frugal and behave like poor people.  I don't mean all Chinese, but quite few of us.  

We like food.  Where there is food, there are Chinese.  Our clothes smell because we cook Chinese food at home and the oil needs to be heated before we put the material into the wok.  We become fat and big like the poor people.  The body weight should be inverse to the income.   

We worry about jobs and retirement.  We save, but don't spend enough.  If a white or a black person has $2M, he/she will live like a person with $10M, for a Chinese to behave like that, he/she needs $20M.  保持光榮革命傳統 is not a bad concept, but reality, you need to behave according to your socioeconomic status.

Let's spend some money on our haircuts and on our clothes to make us presentable.  Don't feed ourselves and our kids too much food, this is America, there is no such thing called 'not enough nutrition'.  Exercise more and be healthy!  

Life is short, live it!