一周前兒子做了LASER TREAMENT, 昨天是一周後的追蹤複查。2:00去學校接兒子,直接前往診所。路上問兒子今天所學的課程,又告他生物課ECOLOGICAL INTERACTION MM MODELING LEANER TASKS 的成績是A, 說明他的模型做的好。
他說他也看到了,“老師和同學喜歡你做的模型嗎?“ ”喜歡。今天的生物課沒有學新內容,就是講評那份作業。老師說了幾個作業做的好同學的名字,然後問誰願意上去現場講解。我舉手,上去了。“
“你能夠克服自己的羞怯,勇敢地走到台上。媽媽真為你感到驕傲。 那個學習特別優秀的DANIAL,他骨子裏也是個比較SHY的理工男,我也看到他通過各種方式力求突破自己。理想和抱負為這種突破提供了動力。回家把那篇給媽媽看看。“
CAPSTONE project: students may be asked to selected a topic, profession , or social problem that interests them, conduct research on the subject, maintain a portfolio of findings or results , create a final product demonstrating their learning acquisition or conclusions(a paper, short film, or multimedia presentation, for example), and give an oral presentation on the project to a panel of teachers, expert, and community member who collectively evaluate its quality.
Capstone projects are generally designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, and develop skills such as oral communication, public speaking, research skills, media literacy, teamwork, planning, self- sufficiency , or goal setting—i.e., skills that will help prepare them for college.
The term derives from the final decorative coping or “cap-stone” used to complete a building or monument.
“還有我想帶你一起去HARTFORD 的 CT OLD STATE HOUSE 和STATE CAPITOL 參觀。康州的OLD STATE HOUSE 是美國最古老的STATE HOUSE, 建於17XX年,現在變成了座博物館。 STATE CAPITOL那座建築建於18XX年,很像英式城堡,典雅氣派。 明年你曆史課上CIVICS(公民), 這個參觀會對你學習有幫助。
Connecticut State Capitol is listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places, and is further designated as a U.S. National Historic Landmark. The building houses the CT General Assembly, the upper house, the state senate, and lower house, the Houses of Representatives, as well as the office of the Governor of the state of CT. The CT Supreme Court occupies a building across Capital Avenue.
不出我所料,不用我說,他已知道德州的校園槍擊案。不過在我和他基於當前美國槍殺頻發的事實,討論槍支管理時,我隻用德州案代表此事。他也隨著我一起模糊,隻籠統地說出他的觀點,並不提此案的具體內容。”問題出在人,並不在槍。不過德州的槍支管理太鬆了。應該加強對有MENTAL ILLNESS人的追蹤監管”我知道,他是支持擁槍的,說好人有槍才可以保護自己不受壞人的侵犯。不管怎麽樣,他有他的觀點。
