文章來源: 魏薇2022-01-11 06:05:08

On the big red maple tree at the west entrance/exit, there hangs the last piece of red leave. without the cover of those intoxicating red leaves, the bared branches and twigs present a beauty in a different way. This is the beauty of an individual, my mind completely isolates this red maple from other surroundings. But when I start gazing further, with the mowed pasture, the abandoned barn and the fall colors beside the barn in the background, the beauty becomes a combination of varied elements.

The two pastures are divided by a line of trees. Those trees are much thinner,  through the patches of bright yellow, my eyes have the two pastures connected.   


Today is the coldest day of the year, the temperature is in the teens, with the join of breeze, it is really a bitterly cold day.  With the sweeping of O virus in US, the infection rate and hospitalization rate keep rising. it's not a surprise, based on experts' prediction, the peak will occur in the middle of Jan, so people need to take extra precautions.




教練需要計時員,送兒子去比賽館的路上告他我要當計時員。兒子不讓我去,估計是不好意思我看他,就說別人會去。我說昨晚教練在郵件裏說需要幫手,你是隊裏的一員,又是唯一的中國人,我們不能往後站。 從去年至今,我第一次來觀看。最興奮地是看跳台跳水,沒想到普通公立高中裏竟有如此高水平的DIVERS。

