圓導,盤子圓的算圓食嗎?(Shrimp Stir Fry)
文章來源: 蓮盆籽2017-12-15 20:04:42

上個周末圓導家開Party, 我兩手空空跑去湊熱鬧,沒被轟出來,圓導還熱情的拉我入坐,請我好吃好喝。那盛情得用大號盆子來盛, 真盆友!

我正想著做圓食去還圓導的美意呢,就聽見曉青吆喝圓導又要頒獎了。重賞之下必有勇婦,更何況我是得過獎的廚娘,  圓導親自頒獎鼓勵的。看這獎品多漂亮!


貓吃蝦不?貓愛吃魚我知道,我家的貓孫還愛吃火雞。說我女婿把他的貓寵上天是太誇張了,但他家的餐桌總要給貓留個位子,邊吃邊喂貓。我家小美人很為她末來的小外甥擔憂. 姐姐和姐夫這樣寵貓,將來有了孩子怎麽管教!

這樣簡單一盤菜大家都會就不用我寫做法了。用英文存檔給女兒和她們的洋人小朋友們,將明年的計劃提前施行。我的菜賣相不佳,卻很受大小朋友們歡迎,常問我要recipe,可能是改良口味的Chinese food 比較適合小洋鬼子們的口味。

荔枝說人家嫌我們又土又老還out, 那不就是土老外嘛! 土老外有個特征,饞中餐。好吧我認了,幹脆開個土老外廚房,  教我自家的土小外和她們的小洋鬼子朋友們做中國菜, 用英文將Chinese food進行到底!


※ 土老外廚房 ※

※ Home Cooking The Chinese Way ※


Shrimp Stir Fry



Raw Shrimp



Onion (optional)

Tomato  1 large or 2 small

Eggs 2

Cooking oil (light olive oil or vegetable oil)

Cooking wine

Light soy sauce


Salt and pepper


  1. Marinate shrimp in wine and soy sauce for a few minutes. Mix in cornstarch before cooking.

  2. Slice ginger and onion, cut scallion into 1 inch strips.

  3. Cube tomatoes.

  4. Beat eggs with a fork.



  1. Heat pan or wok. Add cooking oil (a spoonful will do). Saute onion, ginger, and half of scallions until soft.

  2. Add shrimp. Stir fry until turning pink.  Remove and put on a plate.

  3. Add another spoon of oil to the pan or wok,. Add eggs. When eggs start to congeal, start stirring and break it up into small pieces with a spatula.

  4. Push eggs to the side of the pan. Stir fry tomatoes for a minute or two. Add remaining scallion and cooked shrimps back in the pan.  Stir and mix. Salt and pepper to taste. Remove from heat.


Plate 2 servings American style, or one plate to share the Chinese way.