獵殺本拉登十周年 - 當今的恐怖主義來自何處?
文章來源: 海闊_天空2021-05-03 19:20:36






快進十年後的今天。 根據每周日播出的法裏德的GPS報告:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSAqFfwa_Zs

  • 在過去10年中,全球因恐怖主義而死亡的人數下降了59%。
  • 在西方,來自極右翼的威脅在同一時期增加了250%,占襲擊的46%和死亡的82%。
  • 而對美國政府的核心和我們的民主基礎最具破壞性的攻擊是1月6日由特朗普及其支持者煽動的國內極右翼極端分子的叛亂。 聯邦調查局局長2021年3月2日向國會作證說,(1)與按提法組織有關的人沒有參與衝擊國會大廈,暴亂者是真正的特朗普支持者,(2)國內恐怖主義正在 "全國範圍內蔓延",他重申了來自出於種族動機的極端分子的威脅。



Ten years ago, May 2, 2011, the U.S. Navy Seal Team successfully hunted down Osama Bin Laden. 

Here is a discussion between President Obama and Admiral McRaven about the operation. 


What strikes me the most is the deep appreciation and concern President Obama had for all the men and women who contributed to this mission and particularly the younger soldiers who put their life in risk... President Obama call the McRaven and his team before action, and shook hands with many young soldiers after the mission was accomplished. 


Fast forward, after ten years.  According to Fareed's  GPS Report aired every Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSAqFfwa_Zs


  1. In the past 10 years, global deaths from terrorism declined by 59%.
  2. In the West, the threat from the Far Right increased by 250% in the same period, making up 46% of attacks and 82% of death.

And the most devastating assult on the heart of US government and the foundation of our Democracy was the Jan.6 insurrection by domestic far rigjt extremists inflamed by Trump and his supporters.  FBI Director testified to the Congress on March 2, 2021 that (1) people associated with antifa were not involved in storming the Capitol and that rioters were genuinely Trump supporters, not posing falsely as them; (2) domestic terrorism was “metastasizing across the country,” reaffirming the threat from racially motivated extremists。
