文章來源: 海闊_天空2021-02-03 22:09:00






共和黨領袖米奇·麥康奈爾,(Mitch McConnell,R-Ky)肯塔基州聯邦參議員,目前共和黨最高級別的官員,過去四年裏一直支持川普,先後發表三次講話。

第一次,1月6日在國會受到攻擊之前:...沒有證據顯示大規模的選舉舞弊足以改變這次大選結果。。。我們不能簡單地宣布自己是全國性的類固醇選舉委員會。全國選民,各級法院和各個州選舉局都已經在確認了這次選舉的結果...如果我們推翻它們,將永遠損害我們的共和國...如果這次選舉 被失敗者的單方麵指控所推翻,我們的民主將進入死亡漩渦。




Nearly 400 Congressional Staffers Urge Senate To Convict Trump Over Capitol Attack

An Open Letter from Congressional Staff to Senate

We are staff who work for members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, where it is our honor and privilege to serve our country and our fellow Americans. We write this letter to share our own views and experiences, not the views of our employers. But on January 6, 2021, our workplace was attacked by a violent mob trying to stop the electoral college vote count. That mob was incited by former president Donald J. Trump and his political allies, some of whom we pass every day in the hallways at work.

Many of us attended school in the post-Columbine era and were trained to respond to active shooter situations in our classrooms. As the mob smashed through Capitol Police barricades, broke doors and windows, and charged into the Capitol with body armor and weapons, many of us hid behind chairs and under desks or barricaded ourselves in offices. Others watched on TV and frantically tried to reach bosses and colleagues as they fled for their lives.

On January 6, the former President broke America’s 230-year legacy of the peaceful transition of power when he incited a mob to disrupt the counting of electoral college votes. Six people died. A Capitol Police officer—one of our co-workers who guards and greets us every day—was beaten to death. The attack on our workplace was inspired by lies told by the former president and others about the results of the election in a baseless, months-long effort to reject votes lawfully cast by the American people.

Our Constitution only works when we believe in it and defend it. It’s a shared commitment to equal justice, the rule of law, and the peaceful resolution of our differences. Any person who doesn’t share these beliefs has no place representing the American people, now or in the future. The use of violence and lies to overturn an election is not worthy of debate. Either you stand with the republic or against it.

As Congressional employees, we don’t have a vote on whether to convict Donald J. Trump for his role in inciting the violent attack at the Capitol, but our Senators do. And for our sake, and the sake of the country, we ask that they vote to convict the former president and bar him from ever holding office again.






作為國會雇員,我們沒有權力就是否定罪唐納德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)煽動在國會大廈進行暴力襲擊而定罪,但我們的參議員有投票權。為了我們和整個國家,我們要求他們投票對前總統定罪,並禁止他再次任職。