2016/12/09 An Election Victory by Lies & Hackings
文章來源: 海闊_天空2016-12-18 10:54:53

2016/12/09 Friday - The Conscience of an American Citizen

An Election Victory based on Lies and aided by Russian Hackings

Tonight, the Washington Post reported that in fact the CIA briefed and confirmed to the congressional leadership before the election that Russia had indeed used the email hacking to help Trump to win the election. But the GOP leaders blocked this information from releasing to the public for partisan purpose.

During the campaign and until now, Trump has repeatedly denied this fact, which has been confirmed by the country’s 17 intelligent agencies. And so far Trump had sit in only three daily security briefings while he has chosen Mike Flynn as his national security advisor who has repeatedly trafficked conspiracies and accusations without evidences, basically, lies.

What is shocking is that had the situation been reversed, the Republicans will certainly scream bloody treason against the Democratic candidate. It would have been perfectly appropriate to engage a vigorous debate on policy issues based on facts and evidences. Nevertheless, Trump has built his candidacy by countless insults and lies against anyone who disagreed or challenged him. In particular, he lied about President Obama’s birth certificate and accused him the founder of ISIS, and Hillary the co-founder, all to inflame racial hatred. And the Republicans just cheered him on for pure partisan gain. It is beyond belief that this is what the Party of Lincoln has become.

The neo-con crowd, Cheney and Rumsfeld and the likes, got W. Bush launched the Iraqi War with false intelligence at best outright lies at worst about (1) the WMD and (2) the link to 9/11. The financial costs of this political blunder has been estimated more than $3 trillion in addition to unquantifiable long term implications to oil price, federal budget, financial crisis and the great recession. The human costs was even more staggering, 4,491 American soldiers died between 2003 and 2014, so did more than 500,000 Iraqi people, in addition to three to five million civilians displaced by the war.

Now we will have someone soon in the White House whose rise to power has been built on flat out lies and directly aided by our greatest geo-political enemy (Mitt Romney’s word), and someone who refused to listen to our own national security intelligence, attacked the legitimacy of our own president because of his color, while at the same time have repeatedly praised the Russian dictator who was a former KGB agent, murdered his political opponents, persecuted the press, manipulated his country’s constitution and election to gain permanent power, and invaded neighboring countries.

This is not only beyond frightening, but also a clear and present danger to our country and democracy, and the world peace.


  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-orders-review-of-russian-hacking-during-presidential-campaign/2016/12/09/31d6b300-be2a-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?utm_term=.039581cd3bb0
  2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/03/AR2010090302200.html
  3. http://web.mit.edu/humancostiraq/
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War