文章來源: 博物2018-03-20 16:24:33


前FBI副局長安德魯•麥凱布(Andrew McCabe) (Source: Wikipedia)


周五晚被司法部長塞申斯高調宣布解雇後,前任美國聯邦調查局(FBI)副局長安德魯•麥凱布(Andrew McCabe)隨即發表聲明,指責司法部如此對待他完全有失公平,解雇他是白宮與聯邦調查局政治鬥爭的一部分。




據《華盛頓郵報》最新報道,為了讓麥凱布免遭失去大部分養老金的損失,威斯康星州民主黨眾議員馬克·波肯(Mark Pocan)已經向麥凱布提供了一份在他辦公室負責選舉安全的臨時工作,以便他能夠達到領取政府養老金所需的服務年限。目前尚不能確認此方案是否可行。


事態還在繼續發酵中。 據報特別檢察官穆勒的調查小組已經與麥凱布麵談,並獲得了麥凱布手中的備忘錄,其中涉及科米被解雇前後的事件,科米告知麥凱布他與特朗普互動的一些細節,以及麥凱布本人與特朗普之間的談話內容等。先於麥凱布被解雇的前任聯邦調查局局長科米也公布他即將出書,讓美國人民知道真相。


特朗普當然不會示弱, 周六晚至周日淩晨連連發推,指責科米和麥凱布的備忘錄都是假的,並第一次將矛頭直指穆勒



穆勒的調查從來就不應該開始,因為沒有勾結,也沒有犯罪。 這是基於欺詐活動以及由騙子希拉裏和民主黨總部付錢買來的虛假檔案,並錯誤地被外國情報監察法庭用來監視我的競選團隊。獵巫行動(witch hunt)!



沒跟安德魯•麥凱布見麵多長時間, 他跟我見麵的時候也從沒寫過筆記。我不相信他會寫備忘錄,無非是為了日後他自己的目的。 撒謊的詹姆斯•科米也一樣。我們能說那是假的備忘錄嗎?


然而, 事態的進一步發展恐怕由不得總統大人了,他對穆勒的攻擊已經在共和黨內部召來訓斥聲浪。正如共和黨資深參議員林賽•格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)所警告的那樣:如果特朗普試圖解雇穆勒,那他自己的總統任期就要快結束了,因為我們是一個法治國家。





























I have been an FBI Special Agent for over 21 years. I spent half of that time investigating Russian Organized Crime as a street agent and Supervisor in New York City. I have spent the second half of my career focusing on national security issues and protecting this country from terrorism. I served in some of the most challenging, demanding investigative and leadership roles in the FBI. And I was privileged to serve as Deputy Director during a particularly tough time.


For the last year and a half, my family and I have been the targets of an unrelenting assault on our reputation and my service to this country. Articles too numerous to count have leveled every sort of false, defamatory and degrading allegation against us. The President's tweets have amplified and exacerbated it all. He called for my firing. He called for me to be stripped of my pension after more than 20 years of service. And all along we have said nothing, never wanting to distract from the mission of the FBI by addressing the lies told and repeated about us.


No more.


    The investigation by the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility. The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI's involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.


    The OIG investigation has focused on information I chose to share with a reporter through my public affairs officer and a legal counselor. As Deputy Director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that. It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the Director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter. It was the type of exchange with the media that the Deputy Director oversees several times per week. In fact, it was the same type of work that I continued to do under Director Wray, at his request. The investigation subsequently focused on who I talked to, when I talked to them, and so forth. During these inquiries, I answered questions truthfully and as accurately as I could amidst the chaos that surrounded me. And when I thought my answers were misunderstood, I contacted investigators to correct them.


    But looking at that in isolation completely misses the big picture. The big picture is a tale of what can happen when law enforcement is politicized, public servants are attacked, and people who are supposed to cherish and protect our institutions become instruments for damaging those institutions and people.


    Here is the reality: I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey. The release of this report was accelerated only after my testimony to the House Intelligence Committee revealed that I would corroborate former Director Comey's accounts of his discussions with the President. The OIG's focus on me and this report became a part of an unprecedented effort by the Administration, driven by the President himself, to remove me from my position, destroy my reputation, and possibly strip me of a pension that I worked 21 years to earn. The accelerated release of the report, and the punitive actions taken in response, make sense only when viewed through this lens. Thursday's comments from the White House are just the latest example of this.


    This attack on my credibility is one part of a larger effort not just to slander me personally, but to taint the FBI, law enforcement, and intelligence professionals more generally. It is part of this Administration's ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the Special Counsel investigation, which continue to this day. Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the Special Counsel's work.


    I have always prided myself on serving my country with distinction and integrity, and I always encouraged those around me to do the same. Just ask them. To have my career end in this way, and to be accused of lacking candor when at worst I was distracted in the midst of chaotic events, is incredibly disappointing and unfair. But it will not erase the important work I was privileged to be a part of, the results of which will in the end be revealed for the country to see.


    I have unfailing faith in the men and women of the FBI and I am confident that their efforts to seek justice will not be deterred.





    本文首發於“美國華人”公眾號(ID: ChineseAmericans)