Palindrome 不知所雲
文章來源: 顫音2022-10-24 20:11:45


A carriage picked me up in 1881
Its chauffeur didn't ask my destination
nor did he have navigation
He just steered the carriage towards 1:30 o'clock
as if that were the only guidance of our journey
We started at the street NOON
its sign translucent
I fell asleep because of my surroundings' silence
and counted the streets we passed in my dream
The chauffeur waked me up at an intersection
He pointed at a street sign barely visible on the lamp post
Sir, your stop, on time
NOON street at midnight in 2112

© 10 hours ago  life   

Likes: Nunoftferreira

Nunoftferreira - Good poetic exercise and nice piece of poetry you have crafted and shared with a very nice flow