文章來源: 顫音2021-04-28 09:08:19

媒體也是生意,怎麽賺錢怎麽來,包括拉讚助,拉廣告,拉捐款。美國的主流媒體也得這麽做,不然關門大吉。媒體人相應地要搏眼球拉聽眾和觀眾,宣揚正義和揭露陰暗是博眼球的副產品。這部電影開始讓我對媒體產生了疑問。DUSTIN HOFFMAN 主演的 MAD CITY。Its plot from wiki:

After being sacked from his job at a museum, former security guard Sam Baily returns to the place with a shotgun and dynamite and takes his former boss Mrs. Banks and a number of children (at the museum on a school field trip) as hostages. Local television journalist Max Brackett is in the museum using the restroom after an interview with the curator about financial difficulties. He becomes directly involved in the hostage situation, acting as Baily's intermediary to the outside world and the police.

Baily accidentally shoots a friend of his, Cliff, who's still working there as a security guard, sending him to the hospital. He later fires the weapon again, frightening the children and becoming increasingly unstable as he takes caffeine pills to stay awake. Along with the young intern coworker Laurie among the growing media circus outside, Brackett reports the inside story exclusively on television, reviving his career. By being free to come and go, he negotiates with a national network and its star news anchorman, Kevin Hollander, with whom Brackett has an unhappy history.

Baily wants the police to let him return home to his wife and kids, refusing to accept that he's going to jail. Brackett, on the other hand, makes a deal rather than let Hollander have the story, prompting Hollander to publicly accuse Brackett of prolonging the crisis and endangering the children. Laurie then betrays Brackett, proving that, like him, she's willing to do whatever it takes to further her own career.

When his friend Cliff dies, Baily starts to realize he's lost everything. Baily and Brackett allow the situation to worsen until the police finally have had enough, issuing a five-minute ultimatum to Baily for release of the hostages. Baily lets the children and Mrs. Banks go. He also sends out Brackett to try to convince the police to put down their guns so he could personally usher out Baily. But rather than face prison and his wife Baily locks the museum doors on Brackett, who's outside trying to get the police to listen.

Brackett tries to get him to come out, but Baily ignores him. Brackett is unaware that Baily has decided to set off his explosives, committing suicide. The blast knocks Brackett off his feet and into the parking lot, sending debris everywhere. As reporters surround Brackett to ask about Baily, all he can say is, "We killed him," referring to how the media handled the situation.



讓我徹底對美國主流媒體失去信任是2016年的大選。我原本經常聽 NPR 的,可是它大選前後一邊倒的報道厭惡。舉個栗子。關於墨西哥,NPR 曾經報道過那裏毒販猖獗和因此而生的暴力犯罪,它報道的目的是揭露和同情。而當床鋪提出嚴控邊界,防止壞人入境時,NPR 卻說無需嚴控,說那一邊想過來的都是善良守法追求美好生活的人。對芝加哥這類城市的報道也是如此。