文章來源: 老貓Mikesmith2016-10-05 04:39:50


liberals: religion is seen as a private and personal matter. religion is important in a society, but it is an individual concern and prefer that it remain that way.

conservatives: religion is far more likely to be seen as an advocacy tool, intended to advance a particular political candidate. Religion intrudes into the public realm.

從昨晚的副總統辯論也看出來了,印象最深的就是關於信仰的討論。兩個人都深信基督教,都很虔誠。但民主黨這邊說他會把宗教信仰和公眾政策分開,相信婦女會 慎重決定墮胎,但政府不會懲罰因為各種不得已的原因痛苦墮胎的女人;而共和黨那邊則說他的虔誠信仰指導著他的一生,包括政策的製定,堅決反對一切可能的墮胎,包括被強奸受 孕和因病有危險的孕婦。
