冷冷清清的感恩節 (A quiet Thanksgiving)
文章來源: 暖冬cool夏2023-11-27 10:00:20



因為春節要回家過年,黑五早上,苦命的我又一個人去淘貨。去了一個outlet, 九點鍾就見Nike的門外隊伍如長龍,parking lot滿滿的找不到parking位。開遠了些,總算有一個空一點的parking lot, 停好車,興衝衝的,好像要擼起袖子大買一場的樣子。去了Polo Ralph Lauren, Tommy H, Calvin Klein內衣內褲店,Banana Republic。12點多。拎著大包小包出來,發現早上自己停車的parking lot 也是滿滿的沒有停車位了。回家路上又拐進Costco,買了點東西,加了油。回家已一點多。這次Tommy H的deal比較好,買了不少,可惜買回來的東西被某人嫌--男士襯衣怎麽可以沒有口袋的,領子圓鼓隆冬的好土。。。下午四點多又去退貨,想順便再淘一把。原以為天快黑了,人會少些,卻不知依然找不到parking位,隊伍還是很長。就這樣東排一下隊,西再瞧一眼,一晃晚上八點多。被人催著回了家。




剛到時,月亮被雲層遮住了大約半個小時,等它最後破雲而出,那張圓圓的臉盤已掛在了半空。日落也是,因為雲層,雖然沒有十分的驚豔,卻有滿天晚霞被黑雲繚繞的美。它們肆意地在天空揮霍著變化著,一會殘陽如血,一會如水墨潑灑,一會輕紗曼舞, 一會凝重從容,仿佛在離別之際,要把它所有的嫵媚妖嬈全部奉獻給天空,奉獻給山川,奉獻給觀眾一樣。










On Black Friday, I went shopping. The outlet was thronged with holiday shoppers. The parking lot was fully packed. I joined the eager shoppers lining up to get in and check out. With heavy bags of seemingly great deals, I left the mall at noon, only to return in the late afternoon to shop more:) The mall was still swarmed with people, who waited patiently in the long line in the approaching darkness and cold. I came back home after 8 pm with sore feet, but hands full.

Towards the end of a quiet Thanksgiving, we went to the Top of the World to watch the moonrise and sunset. The Top of the World, though the name may sound riveting, is actually only the top of a mountain that is adjacent to the sea on one side, overlooking the city on the other. The top comes at the end of many uphill twists and turns of a mountainous road, which we found years ago when we hiked regularly.

On November 26th, the moon is predicted to rise at 4:11pm, while the sun to set at 4:43pm.  We arrived around 4:20. The moon was nowhere to see yet.  It must be shrouded behind the thick clouds. Luckily the sun was much stronger, the rays of which soon suffused over mountains and the skies, painting here and there on the sky canvas like moving strokes.  The connected rugged mountains and peaceful sea, like the background of the painting, complement the beautiful sunset. They waited hand-in-hand to be bathed in the final golden touches before retreating to the darkness.

The moon finally broke out after about half an hour. The full moon, round and silver, contrasted the reddening skies on the other side,  the beauty of which beggared description.