文章來源: 暖冬cool夏2022-07-05 00:08:14
夏日炎炎,選擇宅家過個懶散的長周末。周六在圖書館借雜誌,偶得一本關於加州野花的書籍 (Beauty and the Beast-- California Wildflowers and Climate Change《美女和野獸--加州野花和氣候變化》),書雖然又大又重,裏麵卻圖文並茂,讓人愛不釋手,猶豫片刻,便借回家中。
這樣的天氣,最適合讀書。把那本沉甸甸的書往大書桌前一放, 坐在桌前,一頁頁翻動。窗外,晨/晚風送爽,靜謐的四周,隻有遠處的鄰居家間隙傳來的隱約空調聲(斜對麵這戶租客24小時開著空調的,哪怕一天的最高溫隻有70多度也是24小時開著,害的鄰居A跟我抱怨,她每天晚上要把那扇窗關上,否則太吵了。)
靜坐窗前,我翻動的何止是五彩斑斕的畫頁、書頁啊,隨之翻動的是記憶,深深淺淺的記憶-- 曾經雷打不動的每周六爬山, 沐浴在晨霧和黎明中的山穀,和我們這支隊伍,我們徜徉在光影中,信步在漫山遍野的花海裏;  隊伍解散後,兩人繼續自由行走一段時間,攝下春天的山巒,鏡頭下山穀的野花,一朵朵一片片。。。
Desert Candle, lacy phacelia and hillside daisy, Caliente Range near Carrizo Plain National Monument, San Luis Obispo County, April
Bigelow's coreopsis, Bentham's lupine and California poppies, Peace Valley, Tehachapi Mountains, LA County, April
Hillside daisy and lacy phacelia, Temblor Range near Carrizo Plain, Kern County, April
California pollies and storm clouds; Antelope Valley California Popy Reserve, LA County, April
Owl's clover and blue dicks, Tejon Ranch, Kern County, March
Left: California poppies and Bigelow's coreopsis, Hungry Valley State Vehicular Recration Area, Peace Valley, Tehachapi Mountains, LA County, April
Right:  Wildflower display, Peace Valley, Tehachapi Mountains, LA County, April
Desert Canterbury bells, with Bigelow's monkeyflower in desert wash, Joshua Tree National Park, Riverside County, March
Brittlebush and ocotillo, Hellhole Canyon, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, San Diego County, March
Miles of wildflowers, Carrizo Plain National Monument, San Luis Obispo County, April
Antelope Valley California Popy Reserve, LA County, April
Octotillo, Joshua Tree National Park, Riverside County, March
裏麵有不少這樣的單朵野花的特寫 (Left: Farewell-to-spring, Loma Alta Fire Road, Marin County, May, Right: Gravel Ghost, Death Valley National Park, Inyo County, March)
今日讀此書,才知道加州是美國原生植物(native plant)最多的州,三分之一的植物在地球的其他地方找不到, 隻在加州生長,是地球上36個多生態植物熱點之一 (California is blessed with remarkable diversity. The state is home to 25 percent of the plants that occur north of Mexico, more native plant species than any other state in the United States. Moreover, a third of these plants are found nowhere else on Earth! Scientists rank the California Floristic Province as one of the world's thirty-six biodiversity hot spots, thanks to its remarkable plants)。讀此,感慨萬千。加州這看似荒蕪的幹旱之地 ("California, which in 1950s was like being from Mars"-- The Atlantic June 2022-- 加州這個在二十世紀五十年代人們眼中的火星地貌的地方) 竟然孕育著這麽多物種、生命。而在此住了這麽多年,我也目睹了它們順應自然的特性--若逢幹旱之年,有些花草植物的種子便選擇深埋大地; 若冬雨/春雨綿綿,十年的種子照樣掙脫外殼的束縛,破土而出,迎接陽光的洗禮,綻放生命的璀璨。它們更是懂得物競天擇,適者生存,旱季裏懂得自我保護, 以小花苞小短花期,早早開花結籽 (如路邊的野麥早早抽穗),以此堅守生命,延續生命。
而我又是何其幸運! 遇見了兩次難得的super bloom, 2017年和2019年,其中2019年的春天又因著女兒回家來,全家開車2-3小時去了著名的Antelope Valley看罌粟花,才有了親眼目睹作者書中所拍攝的盛景的機會。。。
感恩歲月裏所有的遇見! Every encounter is a bliss and blessing!
我們拍的Antelope Valley(4/13/2019)-- 視覺的盛宴 an extravaganza
dizzying splashes of brillant and intense color of ethereal golden poppies
Walkers Canyon(3/9/2019) : A rolling tapestry of wildflowers
Chino Hills (3/5/2017)
附近山穀的油菜花(4/8/2017) :  Sauntering amid a sea of mustard flowers
還有其他的,對比一下我們自己拍的: (Owl's clover)
California sunflowers swaying in the wind
Mariposa Lily 
Shy Mariposa Lily
artichoke flower
cactus flower
曼陀羅 Sacred datura
In the bone dry season when no other flowers are to be seen,  sacred datura bloomed resiliently in a desiccated landscape.
White prickly poppy-- like a little girl in her white dress
lacy phacelia
Pride of madeira === a hummingbird sucking the nectar
This looks like Canterbury bells (?)
白色的勿忘我 (又名popcorn flower)--卑微的身影,不甘被遺忘的名字-- Forget-me-not, an unforgettable name with a forgettable image  
fiddlenecks: Like fiddles of violins that flows out a spring quartet
Lantana camara
Rock Rose (or Rose Mallow)
Cleveland Sage
Gazania Flower (非洲雛菊)
Miner's lettuce
fennel flowers(茴香花開)
鵪鶉鳥(California Quail), 頭戴花翎
沙漠裏的似草非草,似花非花的植物(Joshua Tree National Park)
在圖書館裏看到另一本書上介紹的Mariposa Lily的種類名稱。大自然太奇妙!